Since October 7th, I've joined protests, fundraising events for Gaza, and students on university campuses.

As a Jew and someone who has a ton of friends and family in Israel, I want to share some thoughts on claims of antisemitism in student encampments and the broader Palestinian solidarity movement:

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza #students #universities

SFFBookClub May: David Mogo Godhunter 

The May pick is David Moyo: Godhunter. Which I've just learned isn't stocked by my local library and will take 3 weeks to special-order at the bookstore. I wish the rest of you better luck :facepalm_g1:

[also, I typoed the title in the poll itself. The correct version is David MoGo, not MoYo]

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New joint statement by members of #UCLA’s history department, compiled from testimony of faculty present at encampment during various periods and in response to last night’s police violence against students. We make 6 explicit calls of the university administration. Read at link below.

#Palestine #StudentSpring #Encampments #Universities #Gaza #Education #PoliceViolence #AcademicFreedom

Biden fucked up.

1) He responded to peaceful protests in a way that greenlit further violent crack downs from University admins and cops— the ones who've been the real instigators of any "chaos."

And 2) his response was ahistorical, to boot, omitting the rich history of disruption as a core component of student-led protest. I mean, what do you think SNCC were doing sitting down at those Woolworth's counters, if not disrupting the status quo? Why do you think campus Vietnam war protests were so successful at capturing the nation's attention? Why do think Kent State happened?

"Recalling Civil Rights Era Abuses, [The NAACP Legal Defense Fund] Roundly Condemns Rising Violations Against Peaceful Protesters and Calls for Immediate Federal Intervention"

Someone on Tumblr has made a concept for a Tarot Card deck made out of ISO hazard symbols and it goes hard:

Edit: apparently this image was a WIP version, a final, printable version is available here:

Our department statement about the shameful actions of Gene Block which put our students at risk. I have much to say about what’s been going on at #UCLA and little of it good. Block must resign.

The students at the encampment, with whom I spent a part of today, are an example of solidarity and democracy. Their right to protest on campus must be defended.

#LosAngeles #Palestine #Israel #StudentSpring #histodons

This morning an encampment started at the University of Victoria (Canada) in solidarity with Palestine. This Instagram post [sorry, but a lot of local info seems to be exclusively disseminated by IG] details the specific demands they have for UVic:

Happy May Day! 🏴
As someone who has worked in a worker-owned cooperative for 14 years, and lived in a collective for 6 years, I promise that a better world is possible, and worth fighting for.

I find it a little funny how two years ago a lot of musicians were generating cover arts for their releases with stable diffusion and now are looking at suno and are like o-oh, we're fucked

Dusk at the Future Public Sex Forest (current if you're a frog, but I'm afraid it's still a golf course to humans).

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Pesah, personal, food 

This is only the second year that I've actually stuck to eating matza for all 8 days. I didn't clean hametz out of the house, and I wasn't particularly strict about foods other than bread. But in a very loose, vibes-based way I have been avoiding things that felt wrong, like pizza and sandwiches. It's enough that going out for lunch requires some additional thought, and I find that that's the real power in this observance: simply marking out these 8 days as different because I have an additional constraint to follow.

I quite like matza, but I am really looking forward to a slice of toast with breakfast tomorrow. And I think that's some of the purpose too: even the return to normal is a form of marking time.

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Pesah, Israel, Palestine 

Slightly less belated day 8: . COMET-ME supports Palestinian herder communities in "Area C"--the part of the West Bank that Israel is most actively trying to ethnic cleanse--with solar power, clean water, and internet access.

[full disclosure: I've been a quarterly donor since 2017]

I've intentionally made 6/8 donations to Gaza-specific causes (the other being about the right to protest here), but while the eyes of the world are on Gaza, settlers and the Israeli army alike have been rampaging in the West Bank: . These communities need support too.

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NYC people: Cops are pepper spraying people at CCNY and preparing to raid Columbia. Organizers are asking for immediate support at both occupations.


#palestine #nyc

from the times' latest pro-israel propaganda piece. as a teacher who does 4'33" in my classroom every quarter, this is truly the weakest shit i've ever read.

john cage was all about "non-intentional" music, sound that is not set into motion by the composer, and 4'33" asks us to listen to the sounds around us with the same care as we would listen to a concerto. the sounds of students protesting injustice on your campus are absolutely the sound and texture of the moment, you utter fraud

Pesah, Israel, Palestine 

One thing this makes me wonder about: does anyone know what the experiences of Gazans evacuated to Gaza are like?

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Pesah, Israel, Palestine 

Belated day 7: some people I know are organising to help a local man get 15 of his relatives out of Gaza. The first 5 made it to Cairo a couple of weeks ago, naturally there is much left to do, some of which costs money. Including not only the flights here and support after arrival, but also accommodation for the 2-3 *months* they will be stuck in Cairo waiting for the Canadian government's "expedited" "emergency" immigration screening process to run its course. At least they can wait somewhere that isn't under siege.

[this one late because I forgot my laptop at the office yesterday]

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User: you charge me when people make unauthorised requests to an S3 bucket?

AWS: yes of course

User: but

AWS: working as intended

User: but

AWS: thank you for your money

Former State Dept official Hala Rharrit to Antony Blinken:

"Please stop the violence and the unconditional military support. This is causing a generational cycle of violence. Just think about the 20,000 orphans in Gaza. How are they going to grow up wanting peace... This vicious cycle is only enabling more insecurity, more hate, more destabilization. The answer is not more bombs. The answer is diplomacy. The answer is leveraging our influence with Israel..."

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