Thunderbirds Ring of Fire

, #07


English language

Published by Armada.

1 star (1 review)

(From the Thunderbirds Wiki)

Ring of Fire is the seventh Thunderbirds novel released, and third by Armada Books. Published in October 1966, the paperback novel was written by John Theydon, and once again features the International Rescue family of heroes partaking in a new adventure.

1 edition

reviewed Thunderbirds Ring of Fire by John Theydon (Thunderbirds, #07)

Jeff Tracy and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

1 star

It never rains but it pours on Jeff Tracy. Not only is the World Navy threatening to use his personal tropical island for missile target practice, but now there's a fissure in the ocean, full of magma headed his way. Oh, and Thunderbird 1 is circling the island and cannot land because Brains neglected to order a highly radioactive spare part. (Memo to Brains: set up a Kanban system!) Oh, and Jeff's servant Kyrano just crashed his private jet in the Middle East, because why wouldn't you allow a guy who sporadically has weird fainting spells to pilot your plane? And now, to top it all off, he's got the hiccups, so nobody is taking his orders seriously.

Well, I threw that last bit in, but why not? Author John Theydon threw absolutely everything else at Jeff. I'm surprised there wasn't a sharknado.

After much globe-hopping, Brains gets the part …


  • Science Fiction
