Rambling Readers

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Rambling Readers is a friendly community of book lovers. You can track your reading, talk about books, write reviews, and discover what to read next.

We are a UK based instance of BookWyrm. Anyone is welcome to join and no particular genre is favoured. You can follow and interact with users on other BookWyrm instances and on Mastodon.

We are committed for the long term to the Bookwyrm project, to maintaining the Rambling Readers instance, and to ensuring a responsive and reliable user experience.

Where feasible we use independent small companies to provide and support our instance. This includes Mythic Beasts (Cambridge, UK) for server infrastructure, Prolateral Consulting (Luton, UK) for SMTP (email) services and Cronitor (Berkeley, USA) for server monitoring. Mythic Beasts very kindly provide us with a 25% discount on virtual server and storage fees.

If you have any questions email admin@ramblingreaders.org. Follow us on Mastodon for updates.

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Recent Books

Adrian Tchaikovsky: House of Open Wounds (2023, Head of Zeus) 5 stars

House of Open Wounds


City-by-city, kingdom-by-kingdom, the Palleseen have sworn to bring Perfection and Correctness to an imperfect world. As their legions scour the world of superstition with the bright flame of reason, so they deliver a mountain of ragged, holed and scorched flesh to the field hospital tents just behind the frontline.

Which …