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4 stars (9 reviews)

The Lightning Thief is a 2005 American fantasy-adventure novel based on Greek mythology, the first young adult novel written by Rick Riordan in the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. It won the Adult Library Services Association Best Books for Young Adults, among other awards. The novel is followed by The Sea of Monsters and spawned two sequel series (The Heroes of Olympus and The Trials of Apollo) and the extended universe of the Camp Half-Blood Chronicles. A film adaptation of the book, titled Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, was released in the United States on February 12, 2010. On May 14, 2020, Riordan announced that a live-action TV series for Disney+ would adapt the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, with the first season covering The Lightning Thief.

14 editions

Review of 'The Lightning Thief' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I started reading this with The Newest Olympian podcast, which is great fun. However, I couldn't wait a week for each chapter. I just had to finish. I remember listening to it with my son on road trips when he was pretty small. This series really created a love of mythology in him. That said, I don't really remember much of the series beyond what was in the less than good movies.

Riodan does a pretty good job with the teenage voice. Percy and Anabeth both sound like teenagers, maybe a bit older than they are in the books but still teenagers. Also, I love that Percy is a good kid whose been in trouble a lot. I've met lots of kids like him as a teacher. Percy and Anabeth both really exemplify the untainted view that the world should try to achieve social justice, that things should be fair, …

Review of 'The Lightning Thief' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

this is more a 3.5
I have no idea why it took so long to get through this book. I'm glad I finished, I'm glad I decided to give Percy Jackson a go, it had it's fun moments, but the the things they met on the journey felt repetitive and it was at times quite boring. Still I like gods, and it's probably fun to see Percy grow up so I will continue

AFTER I read the other more important books. (I read Percy Jackson while reading All the crooked saints, 1984, Iron Gold and Final Empire. I'm not made to read more than two books at once)

Review of 'The Lightning Thief' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I just re-read this (and will go on with the series). You ask why? Because I was seeing the 2nd movie the other day, and damn it, but I couldn't remember anything. I hear thats a pretty common issue with us bookworms. However, I remember being enchanted by the series and reading it in a week or so. So I decided to re-read them and try to remember it better.

So, on to the review. Its a pretty good book, considering the absurdness of its core-concept; and given that, it is handled pretty well. A lot of the characters are straight caricatures of their mythological personalities, and this is carried over to the demi-gods themselves. As a result, a lot of the book becomes predictable given you know what everyone is good at at even given moment.

The only character that shows some self-belief and strays from their "God-given"/inherited personality …

Review of 'The Lightning Thief' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

[guessing at the star rating / mining my old FB notes now that they are almost impossible to find]

now i know why the actor playing percy jackson is soooo thrilled. this will likely be the new harry potter - each book getting a movie - so he's in for fame, money, stardom, more money, women, and more money still.

actually, i really enjoyed the book as i was clipping along. i can see the appeal to young readers, and i turned my son on to the book by telling him the first few chapter titles (I accidentally vaporize my pre-algebra teacher...Three old ladies knit the socks of death), and then reading the first few papragraphs aloud. for awhile we were tag-team reading. when i wasn't using it, he was reading it and - hey - if it gets boys to read - all the more power to …

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