The Deep End

Diary of a Wimpy Kid #15

Hardcover, 224 pages

Published Oct. 29, 2020 by Jeff Kiney.

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Greg Heffley and his family have been living in his grandmother's basement for two months (due to the events in Wrecking Ball), and they are beginning to go stir crazy. The Heffleys can not afford an expensive vacation, but they discuss possible family vacations that they would be able to afford. Unable to reach a decision, Greg's family receives a call from his great-grandmother, asking them to take his uncle's camper out of her driveway. The family realizes that they can vacation in the camper and not have to spend money at restaurants and hotels.

After buying supplies and cleaning the camper, the family takes off on the road. They make several stops, arriving at a fish hatchery they unknowingly swim in, an activity center, and a National forest.

Greg's mother wants to be vacationing in a place where there are more people, so they pay to spend a week …

14 editions