Kian Ryan reviewed Shift by Hugh Howey
50% Filler
3 stars
Shift acts as the prequel to Wool, filling in the background and lore around the events and the world.
And that's it's function.
And I find 50% of this book engaging, 50% of this book ... dull. Really dull. And it might be the opposite for some people. I enjoyed the primary plot involving the politics and Congress and following that group, but I honestly couldn't give a smurf about the other residents for this book.
Having some sense of where this book was likely to go, the other plot lines felt really irrelevant, and just a carrier to get back to the main plot. I would have been happy with a few hundred pages less.
My history says this is the second read through, and I swear I only remember less than half from the first time. Let's see if any more sticks.