Scots language
Published March 30, 2015 by Black & White Publishing.
Scots language
Published March 30, 2015 by Black & White Publishing.
Mr Mingin minged. He monged tae. And if it is guid Scots tae say he mingit, then he mingit as weel. He wis the mingiest mingin minger that ever lived. Mingin is the warst kin o smell. Mingin is warse than honkin. Honkin is warse than bowfin. Bowfin is warse than guff. And a guff can be eneuch tae make yer neb runkle. It wisnae Mr Mingin's faut that he wis mingin. He wis a gaberlunzie, after aw. He didnae hae a hame and sae he never had the chaunce tae hae a richt guid was like ye and me. Efter a while the mingin-ness just got warse and warse. Chloe is the loneliest girl in the world. But then she meets Mr Stink (Mr Mingin), the local tramp. Yes, he smells a bit--but he's the only person who's ever been nice to her. So when Mr Stink needs somewhere …
Mr Mingin minged. He monged tae. And if it is guid Scots tae say he mingit, then he mingit as weel. He wis the mingiest mingin minger that ever lived. Mingin is the warst kin o smell. Mingin is warse than honkin. Honkin is warse than bowfin. Bowfin is warse than guff. And a guff can be eneuch tae make yer neb runkle. It wisnae Mr Mingin's faut that he wis mingin. He wis a gaberlunzie, after aw. He didnae hae a hame and sae he never had the chaunce tae hae a richt guid was like ye and me. Efter a while the mingin-ness just got warse and warse. Chloe is the loneliest girl in the world. But then she meets Mr Stink (Mr Mingin), the local tramp. Yes, he smells a bit--but he's the only person who's ever been nice to her. So when Mr Stink needs somewhere to live, Chloe decides to hide him in the garden shed! But Chloe's about to learn that some secrets have a way of leading to disaster. And speaking of secrets, there might by more to Mr Stink than meets the nose ...