394 pages
Vietnamese language
Published June 12, 2007 by NXB Văn học, Nhã Nam.
394 pages
Vietnamese language
Published June 12, 2007 by NXB Văn học, Nhã Nam.
Young Christopher Chant, in training to become the next Chrestomanci or head controller of magic in the world, becomes a key figure in a battle with renegade sorcerers because he has nine lives. At night Christopher can leave his body and travel from London to other worlds. Fantasy Literature for Children and Young Adults, 4th ed. After Christopher discovers that his dreams are so realistic that he can actually visit other worlds and bring things back from them, he must decide whether his beloved uncle's encouragement of these expeditions is altruistic or part of a frightening illegal scheme. Carnegie Medal Commended Book, 1988. This book is a prequel to Charmed Life (1978), The Magicians of Caprona (1980), and Witch Week (1982). Outstanding Quality. Library of Congress Summary. Young Christopher Chant, in training to become the next Chrestomanci or head controller of magic in the world, becomes a key figure in …
Young Christopher Chant, in training to become the next Chrestomanci or head controller of magic in the world, becomes a key figure in a battle with renegade sorcerers because he has nine lives. At night Christopher can leave his body and travel from London to other worlds. Fantasy Literature for Children and Young Adults, 4th ed. After Christopher discovers that his dreams are so realistic that he can actually visit other worlds and bring things back from them, he must decide whether his beloved uncle's encouragement of these expeditions is altruistic or part of a frightening illegal scheme. Carnegie Medal Commended Book, 1988. This book is a prequel to Charmed Life (1978), The Magicians of Caprona (1980), and Witch Week (1982). Outstanding Quality. Library of Congress Summary. Young Christopher Chant, in training to become the next Chrestomanci or head controller of magic in the world, becomes a key figure in a battle with renegade sorcerers because he has nine lives.