Editions of All the Pretty Horses
Todos Los Hermosos Caballos (Literatura)
Spanish language
Published March 8, 2001 by Debate.
All the pretty horses
438 pages
English language
Published Jan. 8, 1992 by Curley Large Print.
All the Pretty Horses (Border Trilogy)
Hardcover, 310 pages
English language
Published Feb. 12, 1993 by Picador.
All The Pretty Horses, Volume One, The Border Trilogy
Paperback, 320 pages
Published Jan. 8, 1993 by Vintage Books / Random House.
Unos caballos muy lindos
301 pages
Spanish language
Published Jan. 8, 1992 by Seix Barral.
All the Pretty Horses ("The Border Trilogy", volume one)
Hardcover, 515 pages
Spanish language
Published Jan. 8, 1992 by kNOFF.
All the Pretty Horses (Border Trilogy)
Unknown Binding
English language
Published June 8, 1993 by Turtleback Books Distributed by Demco Media.
Unos Caballos Muy Lindos
Spanish language
Published Sept. 8, 1995 by Planeta Pub Corp.
Todos los Caballos Bellos
Unknown Binding
Spanish language
Published Sept. 8, 2002 by Turtleback Books Distributed by Demco Media.
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