The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

audio cassette

Published July 16, 2001 by Simon & Schuster Audio.

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3 stars (2 reviews)

Ben shu jing xuan ke wei bo shi"qi ge xi guan"de zui he xin si xiang he fang fa, Wei mang liu ren shi dai lai chao jia zhi de zi wo ti sheng ti yan. Yong zui shao de shi jian, Can tou gao xiao neng ren shi de chi xu cheng gong zhi lu.

45 editions

40 million copies sold? 160 million hours wasted

1 star

This book is one of those that I’ve heard lots about and therefore read on the assumption that there must be something to it. What a mistake to make. I can’t even remember what most of the 7 habits are, apart from the cringe-inducing ‘synergizing’ (if anyone uses that word in your presence, run away - you won’t regret it). The only person I can imagine benefiting from this is the author cashing his royalty cheques.

The worst thing about this book though is that the author used these techniques with his family, including his children, and he’s proud of that. I can understand using management techniques at work, but applying them to your children seems wrong.

It took me about 4 hours to read this book. 40 million copies sold? 160 million hours wasted would be my summary.

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  • Advice on careers & achieving success
  • Marriage, family & other relationships
  • Popular psychology
  • Self-Help