Flauschbuch reviewed He Who Drowned the World by Shelley Parker-Chan
Kind of disappointing
3 stars
As opposed to what's kind of teasered at the end of "She Who Became the Sun" there's very little of Ma in the sequel. Instead, we spend a lot of time in the heads of Ouyang and Biaoxiang with their relentless hatred of themselves and almost everyone else. There's also a lot of misogyny and homophobia being reproduced in the book as a consequence. As I had expected/feared, Zhu's descent into immoral and very objectionable decisions for the sake of power continues at a quick pace so the clever tricks she comes up with lose the appeal they still had in the first book when I was still rooting for her. At the end, I wasn't even sure what the general message of the book is supposed to be.
I'd almost recommend just sticking with the first book and forget about this one.