Ren xing de you dian

Ka nai ji sheng huo zhi hui

14232 pages

Chinese language

Published Nov. 19, 2004 by Ji xie gong ye chu ban she.

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4 stars (1 review)

Ben shu chan shi le ru he zou chu ren sheng de wu qu, Ru he chong fen le jie zi ji, Xiang xin zi ji, Yang cheng liang hao xi guan, Zen yang cong you lu˜ zhong jie tuo chu lai, Chuang zao xing fu mei hao de ren sheng deng nei rong.

47 editions

Review of 'How to stop worrying and start living' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I shouldn't still be surprised at how evergreen the works of authors like Hill, Carnegie, and Schwartz are. Mindset and communication skills are always valuable, relevant, and something we could use a refresher on every so often.

I was amazed at just how many anecdotal and published stories Carnegie includes in here. His ability to gather and organize so much info on the subject of worry in the 1940's is hard to fathom. There's a huge variety of stories and personal self-improvement methods, from minor struggles to Depression-Era trauma. Along with many methods to curb worry, other topics were mentality, mind-body connection, criticism, forgiveness, failure, happiness, and philanthropy.


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