Paperback, 112 pages

Portuguese language

Published July 26, 2012 by Penguin-Companhia.

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4 stars (8 reviews)

Mais de vinte anos após a queda do Muro de Berlim e o fim da União Soviética, o legado intelectual de Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels ainda pode ajudar a compreender as transformações do mundo contemporâneo? A crise financeira deflagrada em 2008 escancarou as fragilidades estruturais do capitalismo e ratificou diversos postulados dos autores do Manifesto do Partido Comunista. Desde então, o grande número de reedições dos livros basilares do marxismo em todo o mundo atesta que o estudo das contradições inerentes à reprodução do capital tem se renovado e ampliado. Análise militante da luta de classes, denúncia dos mecanismos de perpetuação da opressão, este que é um dos textos políticos mais influentes da história moderna retorna com o selo Penguin-Companhia das Letras para seguir provocando polêmicas e paixões. Com tradução direta do alemão por Sergio Tellaroli e posfácio do filósofo marxista Marshall Berman, além de prefácios de Marx e …

235 editions

Simple explanation of Marxism

4 stars

The manifesto is not a highly complex and detailed view of Marxism and its' concepts. It served as an easy read for people to get a simplified understanding of the oppression structures during the industrial revolution and lists a set of goals which should be achieved to establish a communist society.

This should be seen as an easy introduction to the Marxist philosophy and a potential starting point for further research into this topic.

An interesting historical read

4 stars

The manifesto is mostly just interesting as a historical piece for me, especially in terms of leftist history. Ideologically it's still pretty interesting to read, however some parts of it have naturally become a bit outdated which has even been acknowledged by Marx and Engels some 25 years later.

The edition of the manifesto I read even includes multiple prefaces by Engels throughout the years which further gave an amazing insight into history and what they felt and thought at the time. Additionally the book also included Engel's The Principles of Communism which practically functioned as an FAQ to fully illustrate what exactly Communism is and it stands for.

Review of 'The communist manifesto of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

3.6 stars. If this were written today, people would demand research, stats, and data to support its conclusions. There were a lot of declarations where Marx and Engels just said things. “The proletariat is this,” and “The bourgeois thinks that” type of phrasing.

There also oddly seemed like there were unfinished thoughts. For example, free education and the abolishment of child labor is advocated for, and the paragraph where this is discussed ends with “etc, etc.” Really Marx? “etc, etc?” I can see Lenin now, channeling his inner Marx — “We’re going give power to the worker, and like, whatever.”

It also decried prison reform, humanitarianism, and the prevention of the cruelty to animals as “conservative bourgeois socialism.” That seems a bit cynical to me. The manifesto seems to be implying that these issues would just go away without the bourgeois, and that a society where workers are in control …

Review of 'Communist Manifesto' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

The first chapter or two make a lot of sense, but it's all very abstract, and tries to convince readers by arguing against hopeless straw men that don't really get at the apparent flaws in communism. The section on socialist literature is baffling to me, with hardly any explanation of what they're talking about. However, it's very interesting when viewed as a historical document that perhaps profoundly affected the course of history.