Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigenthums und des Staats
146 pages
German language
Published March 30, 1884 by Schweizerische Genossenschaftsbuchdruckerei.
- OCLC Number:
- 11695778
El Origen De La Familia, De La Propiedad
Paperback, 320 pages
Spanish language
Published March 30, 2005 by Jorge a Mestas Ediciones.
- 978-84-95311-79-5
The Origin Of The Family, Private Property And The State
Paperback, 285 pages
Published March 30, 1972 by Lawrence And Wishart, Lawrence and Wishart.
- 978-0-85315-260-6
The Origin of the Family, Private Property, And the State
Published March 30, 1970 by international Publishers.
- 978-0-7178-0146-6
The origin of the family, private property and the state
216 pages
English language
Published March 30, 1943 by Lawrence and Wishart ltd.
- OCLC Number:
- 7187829
Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigenthums und des Staats
260 pages
German language
Published March 30, 1987 by Dietz Verlag.
- 978-3-320-00296-1
The origin of the family, private property and the state, in the light of the researches of Lewis H. Morgan.
216 pages
English language
Published March 30, 1941 by Lawrence and Wishart ltd..
- OCLC Number:
- 5432193
L' origine de la famille, de la propriété privée et de l'Etat
394 pages
French language
Published March 30, 1975 by Éditions sociales.
- 978-2-209-01403-3
Der Ursprung der Familie
188 pages
German language
Published March 30, 1928 by J. H. W. Dietz Nachf..
- OCLC Number:
- 1910184
L' origine de la famille, de la propriété privée et de l'état ; sur l'histoire des anciens germains, l'époque francque, la marche
364 pages
French language
Published March 30, 1971 by Editions sociales.
L' origine de la famille de la propriété privée et de l'état
237 pages
French language
Published March 30, 1946 by A. Costes.
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