
englisch language

Published by Goodman Publishing, Goodman Games.

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You are surely delighted once more to hold an issue of my incomparable magazine in your febrile hands! Marvel upon marvel lie before you, so many of them in abundance that you will doubtless caper in wild abandon once you understand the boon I have granted you! In your glee to reach the delights within you may have failed to note an important milestone. This is the tenth issue of my glorious periodical, and I have contacted the heads of state throughout your mortal realm. Congratulatory missives from the wisest of them are surely winging their way to me at this very moment! Most of those who doubted my resolve are long since transmogrified into more useful shapes; the others surely rue the day that they wondered aloud if I could sustain a magazine devoted to the greatest of all genres in this modern age. Look on my works, you …

1 edition