Moře klidu

Hardcover, 248 pages

Czech language

Published Nov. 24, 2023 by Argo.

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4 stars (19 reviews)

Edwinu St. Andrewovi je osmnáct, když se parníkem přeplaví přes Atlantik, poté co jej kvůli politickým názorům vyloučí ze společnosti britské aristokracie. Okouzlen krásou kanadské přírody vstoupí do lesa a náhle zaslechne tóny houslí odrážející se od stěn rozlehlé stavby – tento zážitek jím hluboce otřese. O dvě století později se známá spisovatelka Olive Llewellynová vydává na propagační turné své knihy. Cestuje po celé zeměkouli, avšak vlastní domov má v druhé měsíční kolonii. V textu jejího bestselleru o pandemii se nachází zvláštní pasáž: houslista hraje v rezonující chodbě dopravního terminálu a kolem něj se zvedá lesní stromoví. Když začne Gaspery-Jacques Roberts pátrat po jisté anomálii v severoamerické divočině, narazí na několik rozvrácených životů – mladík z britské šlechtické rodiny podlehne šílenství, spisovatelka odtržená od rodiny uvízne na Zemi uprostřed pandemie a jeho vlastní kamarádka z dětství se zřejmě také pokusila o něco, čím narušila časové linie vesmíru.

10 editions

A quiet tale of time travel

4 stars

Although the time anomaly and time travel in this book are of the standard variety the author manages to give the concept an uniqie and compelling spin. It's more about the characters that encounter the anomaly and are linked through it while they're unstuck and kind of isolated in their own time. I appreciated the inclusion of pandemics in the narrative but it's a little depressing that people don't seem to have learned from them even centuries in the future. There are some minor flaws but I liked the overall feel of the book.


4 stars

I didn't think I'd love this book as much as I did. It was a fascinating story, with very compelling characters. I love the references to Station Eleven (and I'm hearing that there's even more with Glass Hotel that I haven't read yet). The pandemic is woven into the story in a very sensible way that really spoke to me. My only criticism is that it's too short. Some characters and storylines really should have been more developed. Maybe in future books, as it seems that the author is slowly building a more or less shared universe.

Enjoyable, even once you've guessed how it’ll all go down

4 stars

I liked it because it was well written and short. Longer would have been boring, shorter would have cut too much. I wonder how the author's experience during the pandemic influenced the Last Book Tour Before the End of the World chapter (at least one discussion in the book was real—but from 2015). I liked this book very much, but I liked Station Eleven better, hence the 4 stars.

Rich in wonder and relatability

5 stars

Content warning Contains slight spoilers after 1st paragraph

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