Finished Frauen by Alison Owings. Bloody hell. The accounts of life under the Third Reich are harrowing, and the last paragraph of the author's conclusion has given me the fear, as it speaks so directly to the world today. #bookstodon #AmReading
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I've been atrocious at pushing my own work lately, but I should at least let y'all know Godhunter is 75% off at Smashwords. They've got a huge site-wide sale going on right now. Worth checking out, especially if you're looking for alternative places to support indie authors. ❤️
Take a break from the insanity and immerse yourself in the joy of the ancient Minoans! I drew all these designs myself - no AI or clipart - based on real Minoan art and artifacts.
Details and sample pix here:
#book #books #bookstodon #art #coloring #ColoringBook #Minoan #AncientArt
The 2025 #WomensPrize for Fiction longlist is out! I’m so pleased to see birding by Rose Ruane on there as she’s a longtime social media friend, I might read the Miranda July one out of curiosity due to the hype and will be getting to the Elizabeth Strout one when I’ve read Lucy by the Sea to catch up on the series! This blog post by Claire McAlpine gives a nice summary of each of the 14 titles #bookstodon #AmReading #publishing #books @bookstodon
One broch, two millennia, three murders. ‘Thicker Than Water’ is a compelling new murder mystery set in northern Scotland.
Helmsdale on the east coast of Sutherland is visited by the two central characters at several points in the book, though they are here in the depths of winter.
Find out more on our website:
I almost forgot to share this link to my latest newsletter, a review of a novella I really loved: The River Has Roots by Amal El-Mohtar. (If you sign up for the newsletter, you'll see everything, even if I forget to share the link here.)
Announcing Tracy Hayes, Licensed to P.I., book 12 in P.I. Tracy Hayes series by Susanna Shore. It comes out on April 6 and you can find sample chapters and preorder links on my webpage:
Radical by Nature is out in paperback! This is an in-depth, intimate, and tremendously enjoyable biography of the long and remarkable life of Victorian naturalist #AlfredRusselWallace.
#Books #BookReview #Bookstodon #Evolution #HistoryOfScience #ScienceHistory #HistSci #Scicomm @bookstodon @princetonupress @princetonnature
I have uploaded .pdf copies of both editions of The Complete Norwegian Folktales and Legends of Asbjørnsen & Moe to ko-fi, where they are now available for purchase at less-than-half the cost of the Amazon paperback books.
Details and links on my Website here:
I think you should choose the annotated edition; here’s what you get:
1. Three chunky volumes (815 pages, 617 pages, and 665 pages).
2. Original prefaces from eight editions.
3. Jørgen Moe’s substantial introduction to the folktales, in which he discusses the origins of folk narratives, and how the Norwegian material exemplifies his ideas.
4. All 122 folktales Asbjørnsen & Moe published during their careers.
5. 28 hulder tales and folk legends, a genre Asbjørnsen defined, in which he embeds the legends of the hidden folk.
6. Approximately 350 illustrations by some of the most accomplished artists Norway has known, including Hans Gude, …
I have uploaded .pdf copies of both editions of The Complete Norwegian Folktales and Legends of Asbjørnsen & Moe to ko-fi, where they are now available for purchase at less-than-half the cost of the Amazon paperback books.
Details and links on my Website here:
I think you should choose the annotated edition; here’s what you get:
1. Three chunky volumes (815 pages, 617 pages, and 665 pages).
2. Original prefaces from eight editions.
3. Jørgen Moe’s substantial introduction to the folktales, in which he discusses the origins of folk narratives, and how the Norwegian material exemplifies his ideas.
4. All 122 folktales Asbjørnsen & Moe published during their careers.
5. 28 hulder tales and folk legends, a genre Asbjørnsen defined, in which he embeds the legends of the hidden folk.
6. Approximately 350 illustrations by some of the most accomplished artists Norway has known, including Hans Gude, Erik Werenskiold and Theodor Kittelsen.
7. Asbjørnsen & Moe’s notes on the folktales, which detail the variant(s) the collectors used to compose each folktale, sketch out other variants they collected, and compare the Norwegian folktales with similar traditions from other regions.
8. Newly-researched editor’s notes, which identify the collector responsible for the composition of each text, give collection data, including tale type, geographical origin, collector, informant, and date of collection, sketch biographical details of informants, where known, give previous publication and translation details, trace historical and literary sources, and draw attention to points of particular interest.
9. Editor’s prefaces to each volume, which trace the publication history of the original volumes represented, as well as previous translations.
10. Comprehensive – perhaps even exhaustive – bibliographies to each volume.
#norwegianfolktales #norwegianlegends #folklore #folklorethursday #folktales @norwegianfolktales @folklore #fairytales @folklorethursday #bookstodon
Realm of the Elderlings Project: Book 3, Assassin's Quest
Our @ergative continues the Robin Hobb project with Assassin's Quest at the NOAF blog
Any recommendations for #ebook readers for someone who likes to side load everything from #calibre and that has decent tagging/sorting options? My kindle is dying a slow death (keeps deleting book covers and adds impossible to delete book duplicates…), and I REALLY don’t want to support Amazon in any way. It would be great if there is a more ethical choice out there! #bookstodon
When the hunter becomes the prey. ‘The High Road’ is a fast-paced contemporary thriller set mainly in central Scotland and the far north-west.
St Monans in Fife is one of the lovely villages strung out along the Firth of Forth shore of the East Neuk of Fife. It seems rather less attractive to the book’s central character when he finds himself being shot at here after efforts to trap a killer go badly wrong.
Find out more on my website:
For February i read 7 hoping i can read 10 for March but i need some suggestions.
Big fan of #fantasy #fiction #adventure - some #nonfiction depending on what it is.
Please help #bookstodon 🤗
Review - Thus Was Adonis Murdered, by Sarah Caudwell: witty and clever, somehow without ever getting on my nerves. I ended up really loving it (and the sequels). Rating: 4/5 ("really liked it").
Full review: