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If your ideal vacation would be to stay in a library/bookstore, here are some places to go!

Gladstone’s Library - Hawarden, Wales

Shakespeare and Company, Paris

The Literary Man – Obidos Hotel - Óbidos, Portugal

The Open Book, Wigtown, Scotland

La Librairie, Paris

Book and Bed, Toyko, Japan

The siege is over but the war goes on. ‘The Eye of Horus’ is an atmospheric World War Two thriller with settings that move from the Highlands of Scotland via Gibraltar to Malta.

This modern photograph shows the interior of the Xara Palace in Mdina, Malta. Today it is a luxury hotel but in 1943 it served as an RAF officers’ mess. It is visited in the book by Bob Sutherland as he and Monique get to know the island better.

Find out more on my website:

"Books afford Consolation to the troubled Mind by substituting a lighter kind of Distress for its own - An Author’s Hope of being known in distant times."

in 1781.

George Crabbe writes to Edmund Burke, enclosing examples of his work. The outcome is the publication of Crabbe's poem The Library. Burke helped him have his poem, by a publisher that had previously refused some of his work.

The Library at PG:

Advanced Imaging Reveals Crossed-Out Words in the Poems of Alfred Tennyson

The 19th-century English poet was a “prolific reviser” who tested out many variations of his work before publication. A new study sheds light on his creative process

By Sonja Anderson


Alfred Tennyson at PG:

Wow, my TBR list is getting out of control. In the past, I’ve only needed to re-up my subscription every six months or so, for one month, to read a small handful of books, but lately I’m adding books to the list hand over fist.

Not sure if they improved their algorithm so their recommendations are working better, or if there are a lot more authors/publishers trying it in light of Amazon hijinks. Either way, it’s worked! I’ll be turning on my subscription in April and keeping it for at least a few months this time (I like to turn it off so I can catch up on library and bought books in between)