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Good news - researchers in the UK found that potato stems contain fibers similar to cotton fibers. This could become a new source of material for textiles. Since the stems are currently treated as a waste by-product of potatoes, we wouldn't need to use any new land or water for this new source of fiber! We might be able to reduce the resources used to grow cotton.
A team is working on making thread from 75% cotton / 25% potato, to use in existing machinery.


"friends, I hope you understand I say this with love, but there are going to be some really hard times ahead. We need to get good at weaponizing this hope thing, which is why I’m gonna do a deep dive into the four kinds of hope and how understanding the different types can help us sustain it. And maybe put to bed some of the fears in some corners that hope leads to complacency, when of course, it does just the opposite."

-- @susankayequinn https://wandering.shop/@susankayequinn/113013654733723601


In honor of Tales of Ardonna appearing in more markets, I've created my first Smashwords coupons! 🥳

From now until September 1, the first book in each timeline is half off.

The Mage Era is technically the beginning:

If you enjoy more classic fantasy tropes, you might prefer the Dragon Age:

Or jump right into the Modern Era, where people are losing their minds: