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Of possible interest. Via @haymarketbooks

>Free Books for a Free Palestine

FTA: "If you’re setting up a liberation library at your Gaza solidarity encampment and you’d like some radical books, please write to us at orders[at]haymarketbooks.org and we’ll send some free books to get you started."

In addition, they are offering four e-books free to pretty much anyone interested.


Liz just wants a happy birthday.
Is that too much to ask?

A beautiful antique bed: her birthday present to herself. The nice delivery men set it up in her bedroom, and then all Hell breaks loose. Literally.

When it turns out the bed's former owner isn't basking in the glow of a happy afterlife, Liz must face some nasty adversaries to help him. Why on earth would she risk her life and her sanity to help a ghost? Certainly not because she’s in love with him.

Certainly not.


Today in Labor History May 15, 1917: The Library Employees’ Union was founded in New York City. It was the first union of public library workers in the United States. One of their main goals was to elevate the low status of women library workers and their miserable salaries. Maud Malone (1873-1951) was a founding member of the union. She was also a militant suffragist and an infamous heckler at presidential campaign speeches.


Scottish astronomer Williamina Paton Stevens Fleming was born in 1857.

Fleming's most significant contributions came in the field of stellar classification. She developed a system for classifying stars based on their spectra, which became known as the Harvard Classification Scheme. In 1890, she published the first catalog of stellar spectra, which contained over 10,000 stars classified according to her system.


"If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain."
Life, p. 6 - Collected Poems (1993)

American lyric poet Emily Dickinson died in 1888. Although she wrote 1789 poems, only a few of them were published in her lifetime, all anonymously, and some perhaps without her knowledge.

Emily Dickinson at PG:

Relentless pursuit and a grisly murder. ‘Hide and Seek’ is a fast-paced thriller set in Stirling Castle and more widely across Scotland during World War Two. It uses many real settings, transported eight decades back in time.

This modern image shows a recreation of a Travellers’ camp at the Highland Folk Museum that has similarities to one visited in Perthshire by two of the central characters in the book.

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