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I finished Olivia Atwater’s The Witchwood Knot this evening and it was just very delightful to be back within her magical human faerie world again. I’m pleased there will be more books in this series.

I’ve been enjoying a lot of faerie / fae / fair folk books lately - another one was heather fawcett’s emily wilde's encyclopaedia of faeries.

I wonder if anyone has any other recommendations in that zone @bookstodon

Muriel Spark: The prime of Miss Jean Brodie (2004, Everyman's Library, distributed by Random House) No rating

Muriel Spark’s timeless classic about a controversial teacher who deeply marks the lives of a …

Intriguing Form; Puzzling Message

No rating

Content warning Spoilers Aplenty!

I was given a gorgeous notebook for Christmas and started writing in it the books I finished reading starting on the first day of the year. Tally for January is 27 books.

Only one was recorded as having a ridiculous plot.

4 were on my kindle.

3 were cookbooks.

3 gardening or permaculture books.

Thank goodness for the library!

They say that the music you loved at 14 years of age shapes your musical tastes for life. Those are the songs that evoke the memories you can slide into the easiest.

I feel the same things applies to books.

At 13 I had a ravenous appetite for books that took me outside of the ridiculousness of early teen emotions and situations; and catapulted me into what I considered maturity - lust, vileness, tortured souls, darkness and disparity.


My of Lazy, Broke & Vegan by R Hall went up on my Stephanie Jane this morning

It's subtitled 'how to follow a diet when you're broke, hate cooking and have a crazy sweet tooth'. I think this book would be suitable for new and prospective vegans and I liked that it doesn't just include food - there's advice about cosmetics and cleaning products as well.

Lazy, Broke & Vegan is free on Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/679418 and I've added it to my Vegan Cookery Books list https://ko-fi.com/i/IN4N1MY2V5

This book joins my other recent reviews: Blackthorn (Project Renova #5) by Terry Tyler, Mindful In Nature by Robin Harford, Grubane (Tales of Lost Solace #2) by Karl Drinkwater, The Vegan Cat-Lover 2 by Wendy A M Prosser, and Reality Check by Carole Brown.

I started an author/reader group and now I regret it. I'm told they're good for engaging with readers but mine is just a *small* handful of personal friends. Posting there daily for them seems so silly. I should have waited until closer to my next book's launch date. I'm almost embarrassed to keep it going.

Should I put it on hiatus? Cut my losses, close it? Does anyone else maintain an author group? Are you a member of one?