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In his boldest and most far-reaching book yet, world-famous economist Yanis Varoufakis argues that capitalism …

Late-stage capitalism has given way to cloud-based fiefs

4 stars

Late-stage capitalism has given way to cloud-based fiefs, and we are the serfs. I need convincing on some of the detail (e.g. how effective are they at manipulating our desires?), but mostly agree with his main argument. Pairs well with Cory Doctorow's #enshittification ideas (@pluralistic@mamot.fr).

@nina_kali_nina I ultimately got so frustrated with LinkedIn I had to deactivate my account. They offer no way to actually prevent people from contacting you who you don't know and don't want to hear from. Effectively, recruiters and recruiting firms can pay to bypass your privacy settings, and there's nothing you can do to stop them.

The only way to win is not to play.

So, have you ever thought your devices were listening to what you were saying, and then ads for that thing would show up...and all the pundits kept telling us it was coincidence and we were just seeing patterns because people seek patterns?

Yeah...naw. @404mediaco in their tradition of breaking all kinds of news, would like to tell you that you're not insane, and the pundits were wrong.

404 brings receipts: Cox Media Group (CMG) says it can target adverts based on what potential customers said out loud near device microphones, and explicitly points to Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Bing as CMG partners.

MindSift boasted about targeting advertisements by listening to peoples’ everyday conversations through microphones in their smart speakers.

Here's the deck, read it for yourself: https://www.404media.co/heres-the-pitch-deck-for-active-listening-ad-targeting/

(free signup may be required, iirc, but if you've got spare change, consider subscribing too. They're doing yeoman's work out …

So, in Australia, there's no easy way to opt out of 's new move of training its on all your words and images, a policy which takes effect from 26th June.

Or is there?

I asked Meta AI's chat bot how to do this, and here's how the conversation went:

> Tell me how to opt out of my data being used to train AI


To opt out of your data being used to train AI, you can submit a request through the Meta Privacy Center. Here's how:

1. Go to (link unavailable)
2. Click on "Settings" (icon) in the top right corner
3. Click on "Meta's use of AI and machine learning"
4. Scroll down to "Control how your data is used to improve Meta's products and services"
5. Select "Submit a request" under "Use of data for AI and …

LOL, it just gets better and better with Adobe. This is late-stage enshittification.

They've apparently run out of "AI" training data and now want access to every user's personal data for their AI.

If you don't accept the new TOS, you can't even get support or uninstall the software.


Adobe can go f**k itself. There are alternatives. I've switched to Affinity + other software - yes, it can be tricky. But better than continuing to use Adobe.

Just looking through my junk folder for the last few months...

Magic link systems are dumb. This site let a user try to sign up with the same (incorrect) email address 23 times over the course of an hour...

The email simply tells me to 'If you did not make this request, please ignore this email.'

Where is the 'stop sending me this crap!' option?