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What the Hell Is Going on at ?
sound the alarm about unprecedented “Big Brother” research . “pause” goes beyond grant reviews - part of larger on at , across federal govt. Trump admin paused all external comms—”health advisories, weekly reports, updates to websites, social media posts” at , which includes the NIH, , and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (). https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2025/01/donald-trump-hhs-nih-cancer-research-pause-crackdown-grant-funding-delays-cancellations-communications/

I went to a meeting of Whole Washington (@WholeWashington) volunteers at my local library today.

About 15 engaged community members met to discuss how to continue the fight for a universal healthcare plan that will cover all Washington state residents.

Whole Washington has run 3 different citizen initiative campaigns over the years. They continually lobby the Washington legislature. They keep trying. They never give up.

Whole Washington's got a universal healthcare bill in the WA senate this session. They are actively seeking a sponsor for a bill in the house of representatives.

There's nothing more uplifting than surrounding yourself with people who believe that positive change can be achieved, especially given the long, hard slog we face with the incoming administration.

If you want to get involved, visit https://wholewashington.org/

If you are deaf or hard of hearing (HOH) in the UK and interested in healthcare access. SignHealth are running a webinar on Thursday 17th Jan at 7pm UK time https://signhealth.org.uk/event/webinar-still-sick-of-it/ to register.

SignHealth did a "sick of it" report years ago and want to promote our rights (inc ), advise us and publicise what SignHealth is hoping to do about all kinds of access to

Presented in BSL interpreted into English with STTR captions.

Please share.

As with so many organisational crisis, the NHS crisis is about workforce planning & the treatment (and experience) of staff.

Medical staff are over-worked & often under-paid, working in often crumbling buildings & too often bare the brunt of social breakdown (manifesting as health problems).

So lets listen to healthcare workers: make their lives better, invest in the environment they work in & employ more of them, and much (but not all) the crisis would be eased!

"Last year, she and her colleagues at Boston Medical Center wrote 1,674 letters to utility companies asking them to keep patients’ gas or electricity running. Goldman took that number to Bob Biggio, the hospital’s chief sustainability and real estate officer. He’d been counting on the solar panels to help the hospital shift to renewable energy, but sharing the power with patients felt as if it fit the health system’s mission."


Most Americans have no idea that the United States is quite literally the only country in the developed world that doesn’t define as an absolute right for all of its citizens. That’s it. We’re the only one left.

Progressives have been fighting for universal healthcare for well over a century. But and have always come first in the American model.

It started with the leader of saying that if we didn’t have healthcare for all, Black people would die and ”solve the race problem”, and continues with CEOs making billions by letting Americans die.

For All would save American families thousands every year immediately and do away with the 500,000+ annual bankruptcies in this country that happen only because somebody in the family got sick. But it would kill the billions every week in profits of the half-dozen corporate giants …

DATE: December 25, 2024 at 06:00AM

** Research quality varies widely from fantastic to small exploratory studies. Please check research methods when conclusions are very important to you. **

TITLE: These four factors predict maladaptive daydreaming in neurodivergent individuals

URL: https://www.psypost.org/these-four-factors-predict-maladaptive-daydreaming-in-neurodivergent-individuals/

A new study published in the Journal of Attention Disorders has revealed key factors linked to maladaptive daydreaming in neurodivergent adults. Emotional dysregulation, internalized stigma, escapism, and self-esteem emerged as significant predictors, varying across individuals with autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and both diagnoses. These findings offer insights into how neurodivergent individuals use vivid daydreaming as a coping mechanism for emotional and social challenges.

Maladaptive daydreaming is a condition in which individuals engage in excessive, vivid, and immersive fantasies that interfere with their ability to function in daily life. Unlike ordinary daydreaming, which is often brief and inconsequential, maladaptive daydreaming is characterized by a loss …

I was a jailer for two years. Not proud of it, I needed the money.

One of the repeat offenders we had was an old man who was HIV positive. He went to jail several times while I was working there and always for the same thing. He would shoplift items from a store while in full view of a cop. This old man had a cane and could barely walk. There was no way he expected to get away with it.

After he was arrested we had to process him and the medical questions always led back to his HIV diagnosis. The state provided him with his HIV medication while he was awaiting trial where he always pleaded guilty. He was always released after serving less than 60 days pretrial. Upon release, he was given six months worth of his HIV medications (which he needed to survive) and he …

DATE: December 17, 2024 at 01:08PM

TITLE: Peptide-guided nanoparticles deliver mRNA to neurons

URL: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/12/241217130810.htm

Engineers have modified lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) -- the revolutionary technology behind the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines -- to not only cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) but also to target specific types of cells, including neurons. This breakthrough marks a significant step toward potential next-generation treatments for neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

URL: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/12/241217130810.htm


Private, vetted email list for mental health professionals: https://www.clinicians-exchange.org

Unofficial Psychology Today Xitter to toot feed at Psych Today Unofficial Bot @PTUnofficialBot

NYU Information for Practice puts out 400-500 good quality health-related research posts per week but its too much for many people, so that bot is limited to just subscribers. You can read it or subscribe at @PsychResearchBot

Since 1991 The National Psychologist has focused on keeping practicing …

"Federal law stresses that patients approved for the program aren’t responsible for any of the costs.

But tribal leaders, health officials, and a new federal report say patients are routinely billed anyway as a result of backlogs or mistakes from the Indian Health Service, financial middlemen, hospitals, and clinics."


"In the United States, we have a whopping 1.4 million people employed with the job of DENYING HEALTH CARE, vs only 1 million doctors in the entire country! That’s all you need to know about America.

"But I have a solution. No one has to kill anyone. And it doesn’t cost anything.

"The solution is simple. Throw this entire system in the trash, ... and instead, in its place, give us all the same health care that every other civilized country on Earth has."
