A friend shows me a memento from a cruise, a green cut-rate watch with loose parts. "You can't even read the time on this... Wait, yes you can! I'd take a cruise just to get one!" I say, tongue-in-cheek. "It's a knock-off of a knock-off!", i.e., like a Smael to a G-Shock.
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That Crafty Artifice: Stevenson’s Brownies and the writing process
“Stevenson relates examples of vivid dreams at length, as illustrations of this detailed, indigenous creation of narrative material, but also as a pathology which leads to the reification of such dream residuum in the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde…”
#Scottish #literature #dreams #RobertLouisStevenson #19thcentury #WorldSleepDay #Writing #WritingProcess
On The Campus I am exploring secret wooden hallways. I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror at an odd angle as small multiple images of a female Desi.
#Dreams certainly kicked out the jambs last night! I had the cyst removed –a quick procedure– and my pastor had a side gig as a psychopomp/social worker at the clinic/halfway house. (She had her little black dog with her). I'd been on my way to a summer job at Fred Harvey at Yosemite but instead was shown the secret rooms and the layout of the foundation. Up narrow twisty stairs, etc. On the 1st floor the elderly clients were being served in the dining hall. Some will stay and some will go.
I was having this very elaborate and surprisingly coherent dream about investigating a murder mystery in a magical setting. I was trying to save people from some serial killer.
At one point, after a lot of adventures, someone burst into the room yelling "I know who it is! It was..."
And then the kid yelled MOOOM and I woke up. It was 5:50am.
If this is not a perfect description of being a parent I don't know what is.
Dreamt I was approaching my new home slowly, on foot; 'twas isolated in the fog like an island. I'd already had a delivery, a pallet of paper bags (which would last me forever), and the initial movers were also there. With difficulty I weakly shouted that I'd sign for them, and did so in red ink. Remarked to the woman, who had her daughter with her, that I hadn't even been inside yet.
Interior Decorators Took Over My Life! I often have renovation #dreams (the symbolism of which is obvious), but this was to them as algebraic geometry is to arithmetic—another league entire. A monument to a business law... Fighting the cops & rescuing the dogs... A green bathroom wall with a hidden illusion of a shoal of art deco fish unnoticed for years... Intrigue! WWI! Fancy canes!
Wild dream about being shifted on an amphitheater's frieze by a giant simulacrum of Zeus. Beat that!
Oh Ghod, I've mixed up my dream journals. Doesn't help that I oft get the days confused... Have to make comprehensive notations now.
Intriguing dream. We were all taking shelter in a movie theatre cuddled under blankets. I tell my female acquaintance —and we are acquainted— about prisoner's cinema, that we'll begin to hallucinate in the pitch black. Of course I head back to my room, have adventures with the elevator, etc. #dreams