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Content warning Question for Trans people.

Oooh, cool new study out yesterday getting a headcount of trans teens!

The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, a biennial tool the CDC uses to track things about high schoolers that puts them at risk for stuff, has found that 3.3% of all high schoolers are trans and 2.2% are actively questioning their gender.

Here's what that means, and the asterisks you need to know about the data.



It’s Bandcamp Friday and the perfect time to preorder my third album “Dirty Blonde” on vinyl and CD 😁

Linky 👉🏻 http://shop.bleedingobvious.uk/album/dirty-blonde

11 songs on a big queer rollercoaster with everything from falling in love to escaping abuse, growing up with section 28 in the UK, being a happy monogamous lesbian, growing old, stubbornly staying young, being defiantly trans, fairweather allies, and lots more besides 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

The 2020 adventure game by Dontnod Entertainment is banned in 13 countries including China, Russia, Türkiye, and Ukraine because its protagonist is a man, and male-attracted if you want him to be.

Tell Me Why is a story-and-character-centered adventure game that gorgeously renders Alaskan landscapes and blends childhood fairytale with harsh small-town realities as Tyler and his twin sister Alyson chase down the truth behind their mother Mary-Ann's death. Tyler's transness is unmistakeable from literally the first scene and, from what I can tell, portrayed matter-of-factly and positively without sensationalization or struggle narrative.

Give the game some love if this looks like your thing, I've finished two out of three chapters and it's amazing. Available on Steam and plays great on . https://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/1180660/

friends, has your spouse or partner been looking for someone to talk to about their own journey in supporting you during your transition?

For my friends here who have trans partners, have you felt like you’re alone in processing and navigating all this since your loved one began transition?

We’re starting a new support group that’s just for adult partners of trans loved ones where you can talk to other people on their own journey of supporting their partners through all that that brings!

To sign up or get more info, just go to: http://tinyurl.com/TFSSGroupRegistration

Is anyone aware of resources for cis partners of trans folks?

In short, my wife has been fantastically supportive of me, but having a partner potentially transition is a big deal. She’s also feeling kind of alone because she doesn’t have any friends who have experienced that. It would be great if she could hear from other cis partners and hear about their thought processes.

Do you care about kids? Want to help them celebrate some and have fun?! Do you love and want to spread the fun of the ?

At TransFamily Support Services, we’re raising money for Boo Bash, our Halloween party for trans and gender diverse youth, their families, and community here in SoCal. You all probably know, but Halloween holds a special place in the life of and folks as an excuse to explore and have fun with our gender expression. Well, each year we throw a big ol’ party with games, entertainers, costume contests, and more to celebrate as our community comes together for it.

Every little bit will help us make sure this is a brilliant and magical time for trans youth of all ages! You money can help us buy candy and prizes, pay for venue …

and people of the fedi: when you started transitioning, did you have a trans person there to help support you and answer questions? If not, do you wish you did? Would you want to be that person for a trans young person today?

TransFamily Support Services is officially calling for new applications for mentees and mentors in the US for Fall 2024! Mentees can be trans youth of any age under 30 years old and the primary requirement for mentors is to have been transitioning or living as your authentic gender for at least a year. You can participate virtually, or in-person if you match with someone in your area.

We are especially excited for Black, indigenous, Latine, and other people of color to become mentors so youth with similar identities can find support with someone like them!

More info here: https://transfamilysos.org/kk/