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Katie Mack: "The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)"

I'm not reading physics & astro pop sci books often (I love other subjects, just not my own!), so it took ages until I came around to this one.

It's an absolute joy.

Which may seem a strange thing to say about a book on how the universe will end, but it seriously is. Clearly written, cutting edge science, to the point, in a fun voice (+ sounds bites from @freyablekman). Recommended.

I first encountered in Dozois' Year's Best collections (which I SO miss). A physics & environment professor, she writes deeply poetic speculative - sometimes science, but not only - fiction, often rooted in Indian mythology.

My favorite in this collection is "Indra's Web" is somewhat different: pure & : something small that will ripple around the world and feels truly reachable already today. Read it on a dark day. Hope.