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Content warning Violence against women

Know what that is in that photo?
It's a dumpster full of books —mostly LGBT stuff but others too— heading to the landfill.

Know what *that* is?
It's goddamned fascism.

This is what hate looks like.
This is what hate does.

of tosses hundreds of , empties library

h/t to @alexwild and @futurebird

“I send a message to all the people of the world to uphold the Olympic principles and the Olympic Charter, to refrain from bullying all athletes, because this has effects, massive effects. It can destroy people, it can kill people’s thoughts, spirit and mind. It can divide people. And because of that, I ask them to refrain from bullying.”—Imane Khelif on the controversy https://sports.yahoo.com/olympic-boxer-imane-khelif-calls-234741056.html

An aspect of the Imane Khelif brouhaha that deserves careful attention is the role that the Russian International Boxing Association played in setting up the conditions for the transphobic outrage that we've witnessed.

it's well-documented that Khelif was raised female, considered female in the very conservative, anti-LGBTQ culture of Algeria, and has always competed as a female boxer.



Here's a story a mother told me.

The mother is someone with whom my husband and I have done business for a number of years. We've had lunch with her and her husband, a nice couple.

By her first husband, this mother had a daughter who was constantly perceived as male, though she was born biologically female and raised female.


The photo of Imane Khelif is from Algeria's Presse Service last year, and is uploaded to Wikipedia.


Gender and Input Fields

“Your webform is an opportunity to be respectful of my dignity, my body, my identity, and most of all, my time. Don’t ask for stuff you don’t need. When you do need it, let me know why. When you need to ask, give me a range of options that make sense for your ask. Give me an opportunity to self-disclose [
]. Give me the opportunity, wherever you can, to opt out of disclosure.”



Queer Form in Scottish Writing

SCOTTISH LITERARY REVIEW Special Issue Launch Symposium
10 July, Glasgow University – free

Discussing the status of writing in , & celebrating the launch of this SLR special issue, co-edited by Zoë Strachan & Darryl Peers. The day will provide a forum to reflect on the intersections which may, or may not, exist between studies of & , & studies of the nation


Queer Form in Scottish Writing

SCOTTISH LITERARY REVIEW Special Issue Launch Symposium
10 July, Glasgow University – free

Discussing the status of writing in , & celebrating the launch of this SLR special issue, co-edited by Zoë Strachan & Darryl Peers. The day will provide a forum to reflect on the intersections which may, or may not, exist between studies of & , & studies of the nation



Content warning not very informed question about sex vs. gender and speech