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There’s a threat lurking right underneath Labour’s nose – and it’s from the left
John McDonnell

The party wants to seem in control. But many of its MPs have knife-edge majorities that a challenger could obliterate

The harsh reality is that Labour was not elected on a wave of popularity. The first-past-the-post vote system masked Labour’s low vote share, which was just 34%.


Analysis: "Eugenics Isn’t Dead—It’s Thriving in Tech"

Early-20thC eugenics ran a pseudoscientific campaign to prevent entry to the US of what it called “inferior” immigrants & to "push certain groups —especially disabled, non-white, & otherwise marginalized people—out of the gene pool."

Musk amplifies users who promote the lie that Europeans are biologically superior to other ethnicities.



"Covid-19 survivors were 50% more likely to be involved in car accidents...Brain imaging studies (show) Covid can thin the gray matter in the frontal & temporal lobes—areas critical to moral reasoning, impulse control & empathy."

Seems bad😬

I'm sure a brain-damaged public will have no impact on or the .

"minor lapses in patience or self-control can escalate over time into more sociopathic behaviour, with profound consequences for society at large."


Imagine going to a pub every day. All your friends hang out there, too. You find out the owner and everyone else there are Nazis. And you’re like “I have to hang there because I know people there.”

I have a new personal policy. Anyone I see using or supporting use of THAT social network will be blocked. Same goes for anyone buying a new Tesla.

There’s no excuse. No middle ground. You either support white supremacy and fascism or you don’t. Period.

Why is the world so f*cked?

Imo, the key problem is that, due to neoliberalism, a few hundred psychopathic billionaires now run most of it.

Their raison d'être is power. $$ are just a means to it.

Psychopathy entails a brain structure that renders empathy non-existent.

No empathy, no conscience.

Problem: We keep handing them our $$, clicks & votes.

Without that drip feeding, fascist billionaires can't exist.


The Covid response has been to say - at every available opportunity - that “only the vulnerable” need to worry.

If someone dies or becomes disabled - the first question is almost never a compassionate one. It’s “how many comorbids did they have?”

People desperately wanted to go back to normal - so they accepted the narrative that THEY were safe and only those “other” people would become disabled and die.

First - it’s not true. Covid is a risk to everyone.

Second - you can’t decide to toss entire groups of people to the wayside and not have it impact your moral compass.

It may be subconscious - but it IS happening.

You’re being taught that it’s ok to harm people as long as they belong to an undesirable group. You’re being conditioned to believe you’re superior.

It’s not at all hard to see how this can pave the …

"An appeals court has ruled that Idaho can enforce most of its anti-abortion travel ban, making it the 1st state in the nation to do so."

"It continues to baffle me that this is not front page news every single day. If legislators were trying to trap men in states where they couldn’t get healthcare, we would never hear the end of it."
