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Dutch-Swiss mathematician and physicist Daniel Bernoulli was born in 1700.

He is particularly remembered for his applications of mathematics to mechanics, especially fluid mechanics, and for his pioneering work in probability and statistics. His name is commemorated in the Bernoulli's principle, a particular example of the conservation of energy.


Books by Daniel Bernoulli at PG:

"'The new administration is actively, and with unprecedented speed and ferocity, apparently seeking to tear down and undermine some of the very scientific foundations upon which our leadership has been so painstakingly built,' [Ranking Member Zoe] Lofgren said. 'I just don’t know how anyone reconciles the rhetoric about competing with with pulling the rug out from under our own enterprise.'"


? Not with the list of words that could risk a to be pulled in the USA.

My whole museum work would be forbidden: . And don't write about the Great Barrier Reef, the diversity of bacteria, excluded test arrangements, or female bears. A thread with the risky words: https://mastodon.online/@Lazarou@mastodon.social/113943275723212485

A successful programme to dumb down a whole country. 🤡 Could become a to other countries. 😈

Happy Space Science Sunday! Did you know that Voyager 1 is the first man-made object to travel past the heliosphere, a protective area of magnetic energy and particles generated by the Sun. It crossed this boundary into interstellar space in 2012. Miraculously, the spacecraft, which launched in 1977, is still sending data back to Earth. While there have been some technical difficulties, like communication issues and power limitations due to the decay of its radioactive power source, the team behind Voyager 1 remains committed to maintaining the project and gathering data for as long as possible.
Image Credit: Caltech/NASA-JPL

#Yorku #AllanICarswellObservatory #YorkUObservatory #Astronomy #Astronomer #Space #Voyager1 #Interstellar #SpaceFacts #Science #DeepSpace #Spacecraft

What makes an animal a pest, vs. a potential pet? Atlas Obscura's Andrew Coletti spoke with science journalist Bethany Brookshire, who has written a book about the subject, to find out. "India has way more venomous snakes than the U.S. does, and yet people there are not as utterly terrified, screaming 'Go chop its head off with a hoe!' about snakes [like Americans do]," says Brookshire. "And that’s because they have different ideas about what snakes are, and what snakes do, and where snakes belong."
