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The only legislation guaranteed to pass the Australian Parliament's final sitting week are the Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill 2024 and Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024.

Both are draconian measures supported by Albanese and Dutton, who have formed an alliance to ensure they pass. Both were introduced within the last week and both will fly through parliament with minimal scrutiny.

One ensures Labor and the Coalition will benefit from over $140 million in public funds while political opponents are defunded and the other is backed by old media companies, set on inflicting damage on social media, and is aimed at destroying online privacy for all Australians.

Both are radical reforms that benefit the major parties and their supporters, and the speed and ease with which both have been pushed through the Parliament make a mockery of the redundant phrase, 'both sides of politics.'

https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Busin …

I'd like to start teaching seminars at my local about personal and . The goal is to help people use modern technology without giving their data away to big tech companies and the government. (I'm in the USA, FYI.)

Since the Fedi is rich with expertise in that area, I'd love to tap your brain. I've gone through the process myself and feel like I've reached a good balance, but I'd love input and resources.

Boosts/questions welcome! :)

It should matter that one of Bluesky's investors is Alumni Ventures, which also funded Outlogic (formerly known as X-Mode Social) - basically a data broker that collected and sold location data by tracking various mobile apps (including dating, music, weather, and Muslim prayer apps.)

Among other controversies, Outlogic/X‑Mode had supplied location data to U.S. military contractors:

https://themarkup.org/privacy/2022/01/27/gay-bi-dating-app-muslim-prayer-apps-sold-data-on-peoples-location-to-a-controversial-data-broker & https://www.cyberdaily.au/security/10093-nsa-called-out-for-purchasing-data-from-illegal-data-brokers

is not just about today. Privacy is largely about years from today.

And nobody knows what's going to happen years into the future.

That's something that I think a lot of people continue to miss.

Some piece of information that was completely innocent, say, in 2021, might become a serious threat in 2025.

Who will have access to that information? How will the social context change? What will the legal environment be?

Once a piece of information is out of our hands, we lose control.

if you're in infosec and haven't gotten a hold of any neighborhood-level or city-level non-profit orgs to try to get their IT and infosec infrastructures in order as a volunteer or maybe the library to have free courses people can take to learn how to protect themselves online.

****why the fuck not?****

make a plan now, it will take you 10 minutes. look for orgs that don't look like they have a lot of money. prioritize them. find out which org you want to help, get their number, and put it in your calendar for monday to call. if they don't need your help, ask them if they know of another place you can help. they probably know.

allow the fear and dread you have now to motivate you to actually act and make a promise you need to keep to another.


Hello! I am passionate about technology, , digital rights, LGBTQIA+ rights, and resisting fascism.

I work in the IT department at a manufacturing company.

I live with my husband, our , and our . We've recently relocated to the midwest, where I feel like a tiny blue dot in a vast, red sea.

I’m not much of a poster, but will somtimes post pics of my pets or nature. I also boost/favorite posts about the things I love.

Ça va faire 12 ans que @wallabag existe, 8 ans que le service en ligne fonctionne.

OK, l'appli n'est p'tet pas jolie.
OK, on a des fonctionnalités qui existent chez la concurrence et pas chez nous.
OK, y'a des périodes où le projet n'est pas super actif.

Mais ça va faire 12 ans qu'on existe et on n'est pas prêt d'être revendus à une entreprise capitaliste à base d'IA ou à revendre vos données.

Ça fait 12 ans que l'appli fonctionne.
Ça fait 12 ans qu'on a des valeurs et que nous les respectons.
C'est pour ça que vous êtes nombreux à aimer et utiliser wallabag.

Merci à vous 🫶♥️