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Read CELESTIAL MONSTERS by Aiden Thomas if you love the aftermath, road trips, dysfunctional pantheons, delightful anarchists, dismantling systems of oppression, queer love, questioning authority, baking, cryptids, cenotes,vengeance, forgiveness, tiny birds & new beginnings.

ALSO: if you need a reminder that trans people are strong, joyful, brilliant, messy & beautiful, ALL of Aiden Thomas' books are a must read, but this duology in particular.


I've had the pleasure of being a judge in the SPSFC this year, and my team was given 31 books to try. I gave 26 of them a chance and wrote down my thoughts on each of those 26. (Why not the remaining 5? I ran out of time, sorry!)

My thoughts on every book I "taste-tested": https://www.skaeth.com/spsfc-reading-first-taste-mini-reviews/

It's been amazing to go through these books, and my hope is to shine a light on them for more readers to discover them!

@spsfc @bookstodon @sciencefiction