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Marble head of an athlete ~ c. 138–192 CE

Although we don’t have this youth’s body, their identification as an athlete is suggested by the fillet, an adornment associated with athletic victory. This Roman statue is a reimagining of a Greek statue from the C5th BCE.

But just revel in the curls! There’s a beautiful lush texture to them. The artistry on display is phenomenal.

🏛 The Met

14 March: What role does ethnicity play in your world?

My works are set in (mythical) for the most part, so I try to reflect ancient attitudes on ethnicity. Three of my stories are set in Asgard, with the Greek gods Hermes and Dionysos visiting the Norse gods. It was fun showcasing their differences and common ground.

For thos interested, the first part of the "Adventures in Asgard" is free to read here:

🗣️ A new tale of Greek colonisation

🌊 SICILY GRECE/MAGNA GRAECIA: how to tell the story of a seminal relationship, that built the giving shape to our cultural imaginary. An exhibition of extraordinary artefacts from various of , southern Italy and from Athens at the Salinas Archaeological of Palermo
curated by F. Frisone,
C. Greco

@archaeodons @AimeeMaroux @phistorians

Bronze portrait of a Greek goddess ~ c. 300-270 BCE

This wonderfully detailed portrait suggests an idealised form of a goddess, often thought to be Artemis or Aphrodite, as both were connected with wavy and loosely bound hair.

Even so, the identity of the portrait is not secure, and other candidates include Arsinoë II, who was queen of Egypt in the 270s, but of the Ptolemy line which may explain the Greek style.

🏛️ MFA Boston, 96.712