Computer books Public

Created by Rafael

  1. UNIX: A History and a Memoir by 

    5 stars

    The fascinating story of how Unix began and how it took over the world. Brian Kernighan was a member of …

  2. Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software by 

    4 stars

    What do flashlights, the British invasion, black cats, and seesaws have to do with computers? In CODE, they show us …

  3. Weaving the Web by 

    3 stars

    The history and original design of the World Wide Web by its creator

  4. The art of UNIX programming by 

    4 stars

    The Art of Unix Programming attempts to capture the engineering wisdom and philosophy of the Unix community as it's applied …

  5. Just for Fun by ,

    3 stars

    Linus Torvalds erzählt, wie es dazu kam, dass er Linux entwickelte und gibt Einblicke in seine Denkweise.

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