formal Public

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Books that fall under the formal sciences (i.e., mathematics, formal logic, algorithms & data structures, etc.).

  1. Basic Mathematics by 

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    This is a text in basic mathematics with multiple uses for either high school or college level courses. Readers will …

    metascribe says:

    A good review and rejoinder for the basic arithmetic foundations of mathematics, presupposing a basic understanding of the concept of a variable or a constant in algebra.

  2. The Algorithm Design Manual by 

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    This newly expanded and updated second edition of the best-selling classic continues to take the "mystery" out of designing algorithms, …

    metascribe says:

    Jam-packed with examples of particular algorithms and data structure, sorted (no pun intended) by how they relate to particular computational problems. Covers Big O-notation. Can get a bit too terse for how technical it is.

  3. Understanding Symbolic Logic by 

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    This comprehensive introduction presents the fundamentals of symbolic logic clearly, systematically, and in a straightforward style accessible to readers. Each …

  4. Functions and Graphs by , , (Dover Books on Mathematics)

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    The second in a series of systematic studies by a celebrated mathematician I. M. Gelfand and colleagues, this volume presents …

  5. Subject and Predicate in Logic and Grammar by 

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    P. F. Strawson has supplied a new introduction for this reissue of his modern classic originally published in 1974. Subject …

  6. Paraconsistent Logic by , (Logic, Epistemology and the Unity of Science, #40)

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    This book is the first in the field of paraconsistency to offer a comprehensive overview of the subject, including connections …

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