Warrington SFF reading group Public

Created and curated by Flippin' 'Eck, Reader

We meet at 7pm on the first Tuesday of every month at the Bull's Head on Church Street in central Warrington.

We discuss the previous month's book and choose a new one. All forms of science fiction, fantasy, and speculative fiction are on the cards.

All welcome!

  1. Stardust Grail by 

    4 stars

    Save one world. Doom her own.

    From the acclaimed author of The Deep Sky comes a thrilling anti-colonial space heist …

    Flippin' 'Eck, Reader says:

    Our book to read in December, to be discussed in our January 2025 meeting.

  2. Mickey7 by , (Mickey7)

    3 stars

    Mickey hat einen einfachen Job. Er hilft einer Expeditionscrew, den Eisplaneten Niflheim zu kolonisieren, und dabei übernimmt er alle gefährlichen …

  3. The Left Hand of Darkness by  (Hainish Cycle, #4)

    4 stars

    Comment by Kim Stanley Robinson, on The Guardian's website: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le Guin …

    Flippin' 'Eck, Reader says:

    We will be reading this in March for discussion at the beginning of April.

  4. Flippin' 'Eck, Reader says:

    This is our April book, we'll be discussing it at our meeting on the first Tuesday in May.

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