Books I've read in 2025 Public
Created by Niklas
4 stars
Reproducibility is fundamental to the scientific method. After reading a paper describing research findings, a scientist should be able to …
4 stars
Conor Niland knows what it's like when Roger Federer walks into the dressing room ('Ciao, bonjour, hello!'), and he has …
5 stars
Blake Butler and Molly Brodak instantly connected, fell in love, married and built a life together. Both writers with deep …
Silencieux by Richard Le Gallienne
4 stars
Antony har en vacker hustru, ett litet barn och en talang för att skriva poesi. Men inget av det betyder …
D e kroniskt by Caroline Ringskog Ferrada-Noli
2 stars
»Det kan verka som att allt gått i lås. Terapin har hjälpt. Man träffar en bra man. Får barn. Man …
4 stars
Pulitzer Prize finalist Annie Jacobsen uses nuclear weapons knowledge gleaned from declassified documents and expert interviews to describe the first …
Det var mörkt i mitt huvud men aldrig i mitt hjärta by Lukas Moodysson
5 stars
Lukas Moodyssons åttonde diktsamling, den första på nästan två decennier, innehåller dikter om lycka, olycka, kärlek, död, skog, mörker, ljus, …
3 stars
Jonna, 21 år, börjar jobba på Kriminalvården – en sluten och sekretessbelagd värld som utomstående har mycket liten insyn i. …
Electronic Body Music by Yuma Hampejs, Marcel Schulze
2 stars
Discover the groundbreaking book that demystifies Electronic Body Music (EBM) and its global impact. "Electronic Body Music" by Yuma Hampejs …
The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll
3 stars
For years Ryder Carroll tried countless organizing systems, Online and off, but none of them fit the way his mind …
The Nazi Mind by Laurence Rees
4 stars
How could the Nazis have committed the crimes they did? Why did commandants of concentration and death camps willingly – …