Reviews and Comments

Leaf 🍂 Locked account

Joined 3 months, 2 weeks ago

I read a lot of SFF and horror, leaning toward the weird, and I adore a good translation (to English) and small press book. I’m queer and I like to read books about queer people and by queer and otherwise marginalized authors. I tend to avoid things that are marketed strongly as YA.

I’m a former bookseller and I’ve never been able to let go on being way too aware of what’s coming out, so my tbr list is a very active living document (and being realistic, highly aspirational).

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reviewed Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett (Founders trilogy series -- 1)

Robert Jackson Bennett: Foundryside (2018) 4 stars

A thief in a city controlled by industrialized magic joins forces with a rare honest …

Review of 'Foundryside' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

The beginning was a touch rocky and I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about this, but the characters are engaging and the magic system is fascinating. Has anyone else written a secondary world fantasy novel about the singularity?

By halfway in I was becoming increasingly upset that I can’t preorder the next book yet.