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Frank Burns Locked account

Joined 1 year, 3 months ago

Mostly Sci-Fi with some fantasy and non-fiction thrown in. I would describe my tastes as eclectic.

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Frank Burns's books

Review of 'Deploying Dragons' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I had actually thought the first book in this was a 'one and done' so when I saw this one was out it was a pleasant surprise.
I wanted something light and entertaining to read and this definitely ticked that box. There is a little spike in it here and there but this is mostly a gentle romp, with dragons.
It ends kind of abruptly, which is the classic issue with (what I assume) is a middle book. However, I think that's a minor quibble.
Nice, gentle, brain in neutral entertainment. A recommend.

Everina Maxwell: Ocean's Echo (2022, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 4 stars

Review of "Ocean's Echo" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

So, nearly a 5 star! This was delightful. The only reason I am not going with a five star is because the basic set up is nearly identical to the first book (young tearaway forced into a relationship with someone by their powerful aunt/mother) so it may lack a little originality.
That being said, what a book. This author has some serious chops and the journey through this book was as strong as the first. I was hooked from the out and as you can see the book was finished in the same day. TBF, I am currently ill so there was not much else to do (there were also two re-reads between the book I last reviewed and this one that I am not going to count on here) but this fair took my mind off that.
This is a strong recommend and this author is now on my …

Danny Chaplin: Sengoku Jidai. Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu (Paperback, 2018, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform) 4 stars

Review of 'Sengoku Jidai. Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Wow, a long time between reviews for me. This book did take me a while to get through but there were also other distractions keeping me away from reading in the last month or so.
A strong 4 here as I pick up another history book to try and clear away some gaps in my knowledge. All I had for this period in Japanese history was references to it from 'Lone Wolf and Cub', not really a comprehensive understanding. This book fair delivered on that ambition.
I particularly enjoyed how clear eyed this book was about the people it was chronicling. These were vicious, thuggish warlords whose motivations were as much about their own aggrandizement as any lofty goals of national unity. The book never shied away from that or tried to 'redeem' them in any way. It also pointed out how adept these guys were at adopting new technology …

reviewed Flood Circle by Harry Connolly (Twenty Palaces, #5)

Harry Connolly: Flood Circle (2022, Radar Avenue Press) 4 stars

Review of 'Flood Circle' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Another excellent installment in this series.
This one was a fast paced ride toward a cliff. It had all the signature motifs of the series but Connolly is definitely pulling it towards a conclusion. In this book we are firmly in the modern day so our magical monster hunters have to deal with a world where social media, idiot techbros and internet infamy are a thing.
I thoroughly enjoyed this so don't read anything into a short review. Recommended.

reviewed Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (The Locked Tomb, #3)

Tamsyn Muir: Nona the Ninth (EBook, 2022, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 5 stars

Her city is under siege. The zombies are coming back. And all Nona wants is …

Review of 'Nona the Ninth' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Ok, confession time. I have given all the books in this series 5 stars without entirely being sure what is going on. I see this as a selling point, not a detraction.
Things become a little clearer in this book. A little.
At first it just seems a simple coming of age tale set in a dystopian city. However, the child concerned is a revenant of someone of great importance from the previous books (it's honestly not who you would think) and despite being adolescent has only actually been around for 6 months.
There is a fair bit of backstory reveal. It all started on Earth, slowly dying in the climate apocalypse and that sets the tone for all that comes after.
The prose is delivered in a style that always (to me) brings to mind REM lyrics, where the intent sometimes is to make meaning appear from random, unconnected …

Oliver Darkshire: Once upon a Tome: The Misadventures of a Rare Bookseller (2023, Norton & Company Limited, W. W.) 5 stars

Welcome to Sotheran’s, one of the oldest bookshops in the world, with its weird and …

Review of 'Once upon a Tome' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was a bit left field for me. I had been following Sotheran's Twitter account for a while. Not because of an interest in rare, antique books but because it is pretty funny and random. When it popped up that the guy who does Twitter for them had also written a memoir I pre-ordered it on a whim. I am very glad I did, this was a delight.
This is a collection of funny vignette's that roughly follow the arc of the author's development from a scruffy apprentice to a, well, scruffy rare bookseller. It is funny, droll and told with a very light touch. It kind of jumps about in time but that works because of the somewhat timeless nature of a bookshop itself (this one has been going since the 1700's).
It is a very British book, a lot of of the humour comes from that Britishness. This …

Review of 'Hate Machine' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

So, so good.
Not quite 5 stars, like the previous installment in the series. A book I said was 'the purest distillation of 'tough guy urban fantasy' I have ever seen'. This installment, while excellent and entertaining, just didn't hit me with the same impact. It's definitely a me thing though.
Blackmoore is for me like Harry Connolly, authors at the top of their game. Pushing out book after book of very high quality urban fantasy and just not seeing the audience they deserve.
This book was the 'Vegas' book and like any visit to Vegas it ends up not working out like you would expect and tinged with all kinds of regret. Lots of backstory reveal and entertaining characters to roll along with Eric Carter's 'tough guy with a heart' vibe. In fact it strikes me that the intent of these books now is to reign things in slightly. …

Mary Robinette Kowal: The Spare Man (Hardcover, 2022, Tor Books) 4 stars

Tesla Crane, a brilliant inventor and an heiress, is on her honeymoon on an interplanetary …

Review of 'The Spare Man' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Ahh, this was lovely. The bones of this are Agatha Christie, its a locked room mystery on an interstellar cruise liner. The twist is that it is structured like Hammet's the Thin Man and uses that as the character templates for the protagonists.
It sailed along with brim and vigor and no small amount of wit. A vastly entertaining romp with some science fictional elements. Given this is Kowal, the space and speculative tech elements are spot on as well.
It wasn't 5 stars for me because I felt some plot elements didn't come together at the end but that's probably more a me thing. I inhaled this in like 2 sittings while away for the weekend and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Definite recommend.

reviewed Iron Gate by Harry Connolly (Twenty Palaces, #4)

Harry Connolly: Iron Gate (2022, Radar Avenue Press) 4 stars

Review of 'Iron Gate' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I have waxed lyrical about this series before. To see that, unexpectedly, Connolly was about to drop another 2 installments this year before finishing it up with a final novel next year-ish was very welcome news.
Connolly epitomises the struggle of small to mid-list authors these days. They just can't get any traction, sales wise. This series (not so much the fantasy he turned to in a fit of almost pique after the sales of the first three novels just weren't there) should have been a shoo in for decent sales. Critically acclaimed, universally rated highly by those of us who have read the books, it's sales should grow. That they don't is a great shame.
I punched this out in 2 days as a palate cleanser after some hefty re-reads. My previous views of this series stand. The set-up is nicely skewed from the urban fantasy norm, the characters …

Iain M. Banks: Surface Detail (2010, Orbit) 4 stars

It begins in the realm of the Real, where matter still matters.

It begins with …

Review of 'Surface Detail' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I had forgotten how brutal this one was. Not just in the body damage, body horror sense but in the emotional sense as well.
This one is jam packed with ideas. Hell as virtual afterlife. Hell as a commodity to be outsourced. Hell is nothing but a choice. The exploration of these ideas makes this book skip along very enjoyably. If brutally.
It rates 5 stars from me on this re-read due to the ideas. It has a slight issue with a whole character arc being absolutely redundant. Something the author himself cheerily alludes to in the epilogues. To be fair this did make me giggle (I had forgotten about this in the 15 or so years since I read this last) but is still an odd thing not to just cut from the book.
There is a call back to Use of Weapons at the end (again, I had …

William Gibson, William Gibson: The Peripheral (2014, G.P. Putnam's Sons) 4 stars

Depending on her veteran brother's benefits in a city where jobs outside the drug trade …

Review of 'The Peripheral' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This had been on the list for a re-read for a while. However, the news that a TV adaptation was about to land in October moved it to the top of the list.
I read this on release and my recollection of my impressions of this book were not positive. Yet again more evidence that past me was very different from now me. Maybe I was distracted or just not in a place to get this but it definitely resonated now.
Gibson is using the device of a future, parallel timeline that can interact with his primary timeline (in a very limited fashion) as a lens to explore the upcoming androgenic climate apocalypse. He calls it the 'jackpot' and posits that only the very rich, 'the klept' will survive.
As is usual with Gibson there is a lot going on here, too much to summarise in a small review. There …

Bryan Talbot, Ian Rankin: Grandville L'Intégrale (2021, Penguin Random House) 4 stars

Review of "Grandville L'Intégrale" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Let's be clear here, this is only not a 5 star review because its a steampunk setting. That's just grumpy old me knocking a half mark off because I have 'issues' with that type of setting. Otherwise this was glorious.
I had a couple of the smaller graphic novels of this back in the day that went in the great 'skip dump' of 2015. I had a vague recollection of not being too impressed by them when I read them but as that was probably over a decade ago it was a different me. Today me was much more impressed.
I bought this on paper and it is a weighty tome indeed. Too heavy to actually hold comfortably. It had to be thumped on a table like a grimoire, most satisfyingly as well. As I still have limited room for paper books these days, this was a worthy use of …

Katja Hoyer: Blood and Iron (Hardcover, 2021, The History Press) 4 stars

Review of 'Blood and Iron' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I wanted to get back into some non-fiction reading and this was a recommend. It was a worthy one. It's been quite a while since I read some history and this has always been a period I wanted to learn just a little more about.
Firstly, this is not a hefty tome. Sometimes, I feel, historical books try to overwhelm you with the quantity and not so much, the quality. This was focussed on the leadership of Germany from unification to the end of the First World War. That allowed a strong narrative flow that was easy to follow. Yes, this will by it's nature not cover everything but the frame has to be set somewhere.
Inevitably this is then a tale about Bismarck and Wilhelm. I had a sense of the period before I read this book but my desire to underpin that with some actual knowledge was well …

Iain M. Banks: Matter (Culture, #8) (2008) 4 stars

Matter is a science fiction novel from Iain M. Banks set in his Culture universe. …

Review of 'Matter (Culture, #8)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The Culture re-read continues. It must have been a spell since I read this as I did not have a strong recollection of it.
Whilst it is a 4 star book and I am giving it a recommend I must say that the first two thirds dragged for me. Again, it was the psuedo-fantasy bits as opposed to the 'Culture' parts that I found a struggle. When you read a book, your impressions are built from how you are feeling and processing the world at this point in your life. I used to be able to wade through a hefty fantasy tome and enjoy it but over the last decade or so, my interest in fantasy settings has waned significantly. Thus, the liberal application of fantasy elements in some Culture novels are pushing against that factor for me.
There is also a lot of time spent on s POV character …

Review of 'She Knows' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Oddly enough this is listed as 'The Cliff House' on my Kindle but I think this is a better title to be honest.
So, the new Brookmyre. Very good. Very, very good. I have asked this before but how does he keep knocking out this quality every year? The man is a machine.
If I was measuring this against most every other books it would be a 5 star but I am measuring it against other Brookmyre and it is maybe not in his absolute top tier. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly loved it. Devoured it in one sitting. It wasn't getting put down and I wasn't going to sleep until it was finished. I am maybe being a little unfair some might think but this is just how I am feeling.
For those uninitiated in the ways of Brookmyre this a punchy thriller, with tons of twists, snarky …