Gone Girl

Paperback, 709 pages

English language

Published Dec. 17, 2014 by Large Print Press.

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4 stars (8 reviews)

On a summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy's fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations made when Amy disap- pears from their rented McMansion on the Mississippi River. Under mounting preesure from the police and Amy's parents, the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he's definitely bitter — but is he really a killer? As the cops close in, every couple in town is wondering how well they know each other. --back cover

35 editions

Felt like sci fi

5 stars

As a gay trans non-binary person who has never engaged in heterosexuality, reading this book felt like reading a work of science fiction about an alien civilization. It was fun, and sometimes depressing, but most of the times I was baffled by the depictions of men, women and their marriages. I felt like I was watching a David Attenborough documentary on straight cis people. I did double takes and I had to double check with my straight friends. (According to them, apparently sometimes it kinda is like that, but the machiavellianism is less elaborate?)

Overall, a fun read with despisable characters that I had a hard time understanding, but I think that's on me. The real villain of the book was heteronormativity, and the real victim was Detective Boney.

Felt like sci fi

5 stars

As a gay trans non-binary person who has never engaged in heterosexuality, reading this book felt like reading a work of science fiction about an alien civilization. It was fun, and sometimes depressing, but most of the times I was baffled by the depictions of men, women and their marriages. I felt like I was watching a David Attenborough documentary on straight cis people. I did double takes and I had to double check with my straight friends. (According to them, apparently sometimes it kinda is like that, but the machiavellianism is less elaborate?)

Overall, a fun read with despisable characters that I had a hard time understanding, but I think that's on me. The real villain of the book was heteronormativity, and the real victim was Detective Boney.

Review of 'Gone Girl' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

of course i need to brag that i knew throughout part 1 that i was dealing with unreliable narrators - nick, who was upfront about his evations and lies, and amy, whose background in psychology made her an ideal author of a fudged journal.

so i was thrilled in part 2 when amy's authentic voice spoke up and i no longer had to ping pong between nick bashing her head in, and amy executing a brilliant revenge plan.

but it didn't end there - the author does a bang up job of dragging us back to an investment of amy. yes, she's psychopath, but were rooting for her to keep her identity secret (or at least keep her safe from those 2 rednecks, and later her ex-boyfriend) and since we're also rooting for nick, we are just as pleased (but an uneasy pleased) that she can return and sort of …

Review of 'Gone Girl' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars


I usually resist reading books that are too zeitgeist, with articles and films bombarding one with instructions on how one ought to think of the book. But on my wife's recommendation, and because I am lying sick in bed, I thought I would give it a try. It was a quick and enjoyable read.

Most people seem to focus on the plot, which rolls the story along in an entertaining way, with plenty of twists and turns (hence all the spoiler alerts). But I did see some (not all) of these twists coming. What was more interesting for me was how the author inserts a psychopathic Becky Sharpe (Vanity Fair) into a modern morality tale using dual perspective narratives. We are invited to guess (if we choose to notice) that these narratives should not carry the same weight, evidentially. Nick's narrative is author's first person, but Amy's is clearly …

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  • Fiction, suspense
  • Fiction, mystery & detective, general
  • Married people, fiction