Now Is Not the Time to Panic

A Novel

English language

Published Nov. 14, 2022 by HarperCollins Publishers.

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4 stars (3 reviews)

4 editions

"Okay, let's make some art"

4 stars

Small town teenage summer before the internet, feeling like an outsider in a place that is the same as everywhere else and always a half-beat in the past, making something weird and making something out of nothing, and holding on to that for feeling alive. At half-way I wondered, and the story pulled on ahead where it needed to go.

Engrossing read about the power of art

4 stars

Two young lives shaped by the art they make together one summer that goes out into the world in unexpected and even destructive ways. Two different lives entwined and yet traveling different paths. Both affected by the summer, one never wanting to leave it, the other desperate to get away from it.

Makes me want to read more of Wilson's books.