Paul Oldham reviewed Lonelyheart 4122 by Colin Watson (Flaxborough chronicles)
Lucilla Teatime arrives!
3 stars
In book 4 of the Flaxborough novels the foil to Purbright finally arrives and it's an enjoyable read as a result.
Colin Watson: Lonelyheart 4122 (Paperback, 1991, Mandarin Paperbacks)
Paperback, 45 pages
English language
Published Feb. 16, 1991 by Mandarin Paperbacks.
From Maurice Prior's review in The Spectator, 17 March 1967:
"A fine example of an oblique murder mystery is Lonely Heart 4122 by Colin Watson. In provincial Flaxborough two marriage bureau lady members disappear. What connection has Lonely Heart 4122 - - identifying a retired naval commander and a bureau member - -with Miss Teatime, also playing the same game? Inspector Purbright has quite a problem to solve. Colin Watson, whose crime stories are unfortunately all too rare, purposefully, wittily and ingeniously executes a tour de force in this very good comedy whodunit."
In book 4 of the Flaxborough novels the foil to Purbright finally arrives and it's an enjoyable read as a result.