Propulsive Thriller with a Great Villain for Anyone Who's Interested in Cults
5 stars
Really enjoyed this one for the villain and the insight into cults. Lev felt like a cross of Jim Jones and a Junior Hannibal Lecter.
It was creepy but sympathetic to read about the cult manipulation tactics used on the characters. Lo as a main character wasn't as interesting as Sadie, but still a good point of view.
This is a 4.5 Fuuuuh, so many people will hate this book. It's definitely not for everyone, but I loved it. "Loved" it. Let's put that in parenthesis.
This book feels unbelievable real. Same as Sadie, Summers has a way to paint a really brutal story and make it feel like it actually could have happened to someone. That is very scary and it is very overwhelming. The book is so well researched. The Dialogues are exactly how this goes. My heart was breaking for the MC. Idk, I need bullet points, let me do bullet points to explain why this was amazing:
- Again the focus is on a sister relationship. And it was heartbreaking - the Dialogues were well researched, the story well build and set up and it's exactly how these things works. It was a carefully crafted mirror to our reality. - it was tragic, repulsive …
This is a 4.5 Fuuuuh, so many people will hate this book. It's definitely not for everyone, but I loved it. "Loved" it. Let's put that in parenthesis.
This book feels unbelievable real. Same as Sadie, Summers has a way to paint a really brutal story and make it feel like it actually could have happened to someone. That is very scary and it is very overwhelming. The book is so well researched. The Dialogues are exactly how this goes. My heart was breaking for the MC. Idk, I need bullet points, let me do bullet points to explain why this was amazing:
- Again the focus is on a sister relationship. And it was heartbreaking - the Dialogues were well researched, the story well build and set up and it's exactly how these things works. It was a carefully crafted mirror to our reality. - it was tragic, repulsive and yet full of tension and captivating - It includes a bigger frame and system that readers can think about and take with them to reflect on - fucking well fleshed out characters, yet it could also be your neighbour next door - I love that fucking writing and storytelling. Took a little to get into, but then, hahaha ha haaaa - it's an important topic no one talks or write about. It is often times even way way worse than what Summers describes. Kudos to her bravery to pick these topics up and give peoples suffering a home and attention.
It might be that I will still up this book to 5 stars, but I just got out of it and I am not sure how heavy my few criticism way.
- there are slight ploy discrepancies (that always drives me nuts) and here I could not ignore it, because it was part of the set up. It is "YA" (questionable my friends), so maybe it can be overlooked, however in the beginning there were a few things I expected the MC to realize and question and she flat out ignored it, and it did not really add up. I get that Summers needed to make the story work, but it still irks me - the whole newspaper set up made me go grrr. Paul made not really sense in the story and the relationship there was icky. I think I get why it was there, but also, eeewww icky.
Do not read this book: If you do not like tragic stories. Also here is the official trigger warning: abuse and sexual abuse! Also mental health issues are discussed.