Farthest Star

The Saga of Cuckoo

Paperback, 122 pages

English language

Published April 13, 1976 by Pan, Pan 1976.

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2 stars (1 review)

Die Mission der Duplikate

Seit langem gibt Objekt Lambda, ein riesiger Himmelskörper, den Astronomen und Astrophysikern der galaktischen Sternenvölker viele Rätsel auf. Nun aber, da unbemannte Raumsonden nach jahrhundertelangem Flug dem Objekt nahe sind, brechen Terraner und Außerirdische auf, um den mysteriösen Himmelskörper zu erforschen.

Die Forscher selbst setzen sich keinen Gefahren aus. Doch ihre per Tachyonensender zu den Raumsonden abgestrahlten Kopien, die völlig identisch mit den Originalen sind, gehen durch tausend Höllen und sterben mehr als einmal, um ihre Mission zu erfüllen.

6 editions

Review of 'Farthest Star' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

There was much to appreciate here, but I didn't appreciate this book much.

Aliens that aren't just humans in disguise, some discussion of the psychological impact of a technology that replicates you over interstellar distances and a Mysterious Giant Object which gets more weird the more you learn about it are all good but it's all swamped by irritating problems of characterisation and plotting. The book isn't really a novel; it's a novella which subsequently got a serial of short story sequels, so the pacing is all over the place and you're left at the end with very little explained and a sense of things stopping rather than being resolved. The is a further volume which I assume clarifies matters but I'm not going to go out of my way to find it.

The characters are largely one dimensional and there is no female protagonist for the first half. The …