Kian Ryan reviewed The Secret Barrister by Secret Barrister
Painfully well written, painful to read
5 stars
The Secret Barrister takes a critical and holistic look at the England and Wales criminal justice system from the point of view of a junior barrister circa 2015. Not everything here will be up to date, but Is suspect things probably haven't improved.
The author has been writing for a while, and I came across them when Twitter was a greener place, but did not get around to reading the book at the time of publication and I wish I had. It's an absolutely heart wrenching read, written beautifully, in surprisingly accessible language and is amazingly fair to those involved in the service while pointing very stern fingers at those responsibile for the systemic failing of the criminal justice system. His real life experience as a junior barrister between the magistrates, crown and appeals courts really does provide a true down to earth view that isn't seen from the side …
The Secret Barrister takes a critical and holistic look at the England and Wales criminal justice system from the point of view of a junior barrister circa 2015. Not everything here will be up to date, but Is suspect things probably haven't improved.
The author has been writing for a while, and I came across them when Twitter was a greener place, but did not get around to reading the book at the time of publication and I wish I had. It's an absolutely heart wrenching read, written beautifully, in surprisingly accessible language and is amazingly fair to those involved in the service while pointing very stern fingers at those responsibile for the systemic failing of the criminal justice system. His real life experience as a junior barrister between the magistrates, crown and appeals courts really does provide a true down to earth view that isn't seen from the side of the media.
The book also provides a great look at English criminal justice, why we have the system we do, the alternatives available and the arguments for and against (like a good barrister should).
This is another book that's probably going on my "please read" list. It will make you angry, sad and hopefully a little more fired up for change.