The Road

mass market paperback, 287 pages

English language

Published Nov. 19, 2008 by Vintage International.

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4 stars (18 reviews)

The searing, postapocalyptic novel destined to become Cormac McCarthy's masterpiece.

The Road is the profoundly moving story of a journey. It boldly imagines a future in which no hope remains, but in which a father and his son, "each the other's world entire," are sustained by love. (back cover)

37 editions

reviewed The Road by Cormac McCarthy (Oprah's Book Club (57))

A tale of emotional and physical stamina

4 stars

I think the takeaway with this tale is to never stop trying, to never give up. There’s no promise of something better, just the very human decision to will yourself forward. That if a better place is indeed out there, it can only be reached through effort, one step at a time.

Overwrought, didn't quite land for me

3 stars

I can see why for many this is a beloved book for some, but it didn't capture me.

The writing often felt plodding and overwrought, instead of evocative and touching. And this novel is all scene and style and very little story, so there was not much else to go on.

I found myself wishing this had been a short story instead of a novel.

La Carretera: una obra fundamental.

5 stars

He descubierto a Cormac McCarthy. Acabo de leer su obra cumbre, La Carretera, y vaya si me ha calado. Por su estilo, directo, poético, duro y bello, que me gusta mucho y que me resulta afín y ameno. Pero también por su temática, que me parece fundamental. ¿De qué trata? Para mí trata del sentido de la vida para nuestra generación, época de Cultura del Shock y cúlmen de la Sociedad del Espectáculo. Cualquiera que tenga mis casi cincuenta, más si está criando a un hijo, se habrá sentido de una forma íntima, difícil de explicar, una o muchas veces, en esa carretera que recorren los protagonistas del libro, en la que uno busca un futuro para él y para los suyos, un rayo de sol en un mundo en apariencia gris, decadente e inseguro, que amenaza en convertirse en ceniza de una manera más o menos literal, según el …

Review of 'The Road' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

shot thru this in 24 hours - maybe not the best idea for such a dreary, bleak novel - but it's structure just lent itself to keep going. there's no chapters; it's short section ater short section. and there's an urgency that keeps your alarm up. plus, maybe, i knew it would be a downer and i wanted to get it over with and move on as soon as i could.
the images and emotions stayed with me for days
and, like i always do when i'm still unsettled after a book or a film is finished - i looked it up on wikipedia.
so many people are calling it an environmental novel - which i think is too superficial. the disaster has already happened; how does humnaity proceeed?
not well, apparently.
the book was beyond depressing because it showed that our instincts of self preservation are also self …


  • Regression (Civilization)
  • Voyages and travels
  • Survival
  • Fathers and sons
  • Fiction
