crabbygirl reviewed The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Review of 'The Road' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
shot thru this in 24 hours - maybe not the best idea for such a dreary, bleak novel - but it's structure just lent itself to keep going. there's no chapters; it's short section ater short section. and there's an urgency that keeps your alarm up. plus, maybe, i knew it would be a downer and i wanted to get it over with and move on as soon as i could.
the images and emotions stayed with me for days
and, like i always do when i'm still unsettled after a book or a film is finished - i looked it up on wikipedia.
so many people are calling it an environmental novel - which i think is too superficial. the disaster has already happened; how does humnaity proceeed?
not well, apparently.
the book was beyond depressing because it showed that our instincts of self preservation are also self destructive. the whole journey is pointless - the boy ends up with the people he originally saw. they were just waiting for his father to be gone / dead. there can be no honor or moralistic purpose in that. it's just self preservation all over again.