La ragazza del convenience store

Published Nov. 18, 2018 by Edizioni e/o.

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4 stars (4 reviews)

Keiko sbaglia. O almeno questo è quello che le dicono tutti. È sempre stata considerata una ragazza strana, sia a scuola che in famiglia. Il suo modo di guardare il mondo in maniera logica, senza ipocrisie o compromessi, crea forte imbarazzo in chi la circonda. In una società formale e conformista come quella giapponese sembra una vera e propria aliena. Ma Keiko non è una ribelle, e non trova altra soluzione se non un progressivo allontanamento da tutto e tutti. Qualcosa inizia a cambiare a diciotto anni, quando risponde all’annuncio di un supermercato che cerca commesse part-time. Potrebbe essere una svolta, un modo per cominciare a integrarsi nella realtà che la circonda, ma diciotto anni dopo è ancora lì, etichettata come “quella strana”, mentre si trascina stancamente un giorno dopo l’altro. Fino a quando incontra Shiraha, presto licenziato dal supermarket per i suoi comportamenti inopportuni. Per aiutarlo Keiko gli propone …

5 editions

Making The Mundane Interesting

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This is one of the most delightful and quirky books I've read in some time. The protagonist of the novel, Keiko, is neurodivergent, 36 years old, has never had a physical relationship with anyone, has been working at the same convenience store since she was 18 and has a sister who hopes that one day Keiko will be 'cured'. Her relationship with the convenience store is everything. It regulates her sleeping patterns, the food she eats and her personal appearance. It even provides her with a script on interacting with the customers.

However, working in a convenience store is not seen as a real job and besides, at her age, Keiko should be considering marriage and children. These things mean nothing to Keiko. Instead, she spends her days copying mannerisms, expressions and dress styles from her coworkers to build a repertoire of social normality so that her circle of friends …

This book got me into reading!

5 stars

It is a really unusual tale of a middle-aged part time worker completely satisfied with her life being confronted with different expectations of the people around her. This books highlights how people completely comfortable with their life get looked down upon by people viewing them as a 'failure'. I thought it gave a great reason to show how a good life not adhearing to the societal expectations can turn terrible by adhearing to them. It is partly cold partly funny and I loved every word from it.

However it might be a bit different from other books. Due to its' short length I still recommend this book to anyone interested in societal topics and simple living.