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Mat's books

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20% complete! Mat has read 3 of 15 books.

Yanis Varoufakis: Techno Feudalism What Killed Capitalism (Paperback, 2024, Vintage) No rating

In a revealing tweet, he admitted his ambition to turn Twitter into an 'everything app'. What did he mean by an 'everything app'? He meant nothing less than a gateway to technofeudalism, one that would allow him to attract users' attention, modify their consumer behaviour, extract free labour from them as cloud serfs and, last but not least, charge vendors cloud rent for selling them their wares.

Techno Feudalism What Killed Capitalism by  (Page 134)

Musk's ambition for an "everything" app, does sum up techno-feudalism, and why we should be worried about it. One just needs to look at WeChat in China, and the power that it wields.

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Yanis Varoufakis: Techno Feudalism What Killed Capitalism (Paperback, 2024, Vintage) No rating

In a revealing tweet, he admitted his ambition to turn Twitter into an 'everything app'. What did he mean by an 'everything app'? He meant nothing less than a gateway to technofeudalism, one that would allow him to attract users' attention, modify their consumer behaviour, extract free labour from them as cloud serfs and, last but not least, charge vendors cloud rent for selling them their wares.

Techno Feudalism What Killed Capitalism by  (Page 134)

Sayaka Murata, Ginny Tapley Takemori, Sayaka Murata: Earthlings (AudiobookFormat, 2020, Granta Books) 4 stars

For connoisseurs of black comedy only

4 stars

When I mentioned to a friend I was reading this book, their first reaction was "oh my god, brace yourself!!!". Having finished it, I can see why it gets such a recreation, given it deals with some very taboo subjects.

It reminded me of the film Kinds Of Kindness by Yorgos Lanthimos, as what they both have in common is I have friends who found the stories too subversive, despite being fans of Convenience Store Woman and Poor Things respectively.

However, if dark black comedy is your thing, I would highly recommend this as there were moments listening to this book where I burst in laughter because of the ridiculous depravity of some scenes.

Ellie Middleton: Unmasked (AudiobookFormat, Penguin Books Ltd) 4 stars

A must read guide on neurodivergence

4 stars

A straight forward and well written book on autism, ADHD, and late diagnosis from a female perspective. As someone who was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder as a child, I initially found the book a bit confronting in referring to it as a disability, as I've never considered myself as disabled.

However, as I progressed through the book, it made me appreciate the challenges other neurodivergent folk face. I learnt a lot about autism, particularly when it came to communication, and the book has lots of great advice on making workplaces more accommodating.