Mrs. Dalloway

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Virginia Woolf, Virginia Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway (EBook, 2002, RosettaBooks)


English language

Published Nov. 20, 2002 by RosettaBooks.

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4 stars (10 reviews)

A landmark work of world literature, Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway is an account of one day in the life of an upper class British woman, her husband, and her circle of friends. Woolf's narration of Clarissa Dalloway's day begins with her protagonist's preparations for a party she is holding at her house that evening, and it ends as the party gets underway. In between, Clarissa is visited by an old friend, Peter Walsh, and her mind is returned to a time thirty years earlier when she considered marrying him. Instead, she opted for the staid Richard Dalloway, and, as she goes about her daily business, Clarissa reflects on the choices she has made and the significant moments that have shaped the course of her life. By juxtaposing Clarissa's present experience with flashbacks to her life as it was thirty years ago, Woolf sets up a number of remarkable tensions that …

63 editions

Review of 'Mrs. Dalloway' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Maybe I'll feel different at another point in my life, but I simply cannot recommend this book right now.

I had to go to third party sources to understand the whole thing due to its chaotic writing, and even after all that... turns out there was no story to follow, really.

I could certainly enjoy some descriptions, but it was overall a lot of effort to not prefer doing something else.

It was also the first book I read in a while so hopefully I'll come back in 20 years and find out how wrong I was.

Review of 'La Senora Dalloway/ Mrs. Dalloway (Biblioteca De Autor)' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Definitivamente, puedo decir ya lo que intuía desde hace bastante tiempo: el modernismo literario de principios del siglo XX que incorporó la técnica del monólogo interior no es lo mío. Soy consciente de su inmensa calidad y de su influencia decisiva en escritores que admiro, pero no consigo disfrutarlo de manera completa a pesar de que creo que la lectura, en ocasiones, no debe ser sólo puro entretenimiento, sino un reto intelectual.

Es imposible poner una nota negativa a un libro con tanta calidad. Sus párrafos resuenan, se sienten profundos y aquí y allá descubres revelaciones bellas y hondas sobre la experiencia humana (me quedo con los pasajes de la señora Kilman y de Septimus). Además, la mirada femenina en un ambiente cultural dominado por los hombres hace que tenga un interés extra.

Sin embargo, a pesar de todo lo anterior, la lectura se convierte en un reto extenuante. La …

Review of 'Mrs. Dalloway' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Zaista sam željela da mi se svidi, ali nekako baš nije išlo. Malo me pogubio način pisanja koji jeste dobrim dijelom poetičan ali kroz njega se ili gubi smisao ili ja jednostavno didn't GET IT. Ne mogu da ulazim u književnu kritiku jer nisam kadar, ali likovi koji su najviše opisivani su mi bili dosadni a oni koji su me najviše interesovali su ostali nedorečeni. Takođe ljubavni plot izeđu Klarise i Pitera mi nema smisla, ako je bio toliko zaljubljen u nju i još uvjek je, zašto je stalno kritikovao kako je površna i njen životni stil njemu nema smisla? Pa okej, mislim ima smisla ako shvatimo da niko nije u pravu i da su svi likovi čudni, nesretni, i manje ili više gej, a sve je to obavijeno opisom visokog londonskog društva koje je izrazito monontono (sem naravno silnog i cijenjenog cvijeća koje često ima svoje istaknute momente).

Review of 'Mrs.Dalloway' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Zaista sam željela da mi se svidi, ali nekako baš nije išlo. Malo me pogubio način pisanja koji jeste dobrim dijelom poetičan ali kroz njega se ili gubi smisao ili ja jednostavno didn't GET IT. Ne mogu da ulazim u književnu kritiku jer nisam kadar, ali likovi koji su najviše opisani su mi bili dosadni a oni koji su me najviše interesovali su ostali nedorečeni. Takođe ljubavni plot izeđu Klarise i Pitera mi nema smisla, ako je bio toliko zaljubljen u nju i još uvijek je, zašto je stalno kritikovao kako je površna i njen životni stil njemu nema smisla? Pa okej, mislim ima smisla ako shvatimo da niko nije u pravu i da su svi likovi čudni, nesretni, i manje ili više gej, a sve je to obavijeno opisom visokog londonskog društva koje je izrazito monontono (sem naravno silnog i cijenjenog cvijeća koje često ima svoje istaknute momente).

Review of 'Mrs. Dalloway' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This is not an easy reading. It took me a lot to get used to the rhythm of the novel and the constant changes between the consciences of the different characters. But in the end, everything adds up and I got engaged. And London... I love when a novel takes me to places that I love but I can't visit as often as I would like.