Richard Byrd was an adventurer and explorer. He always was the second best, and he was always trying to show how brave and courageous he was. That's what brought him to this situation: To spend all the long and dark austral winter alone in a small hut very close to the south pole. At the beginning, all was nice and good, but at the end of may, he started to feel the effects of the gas poisoning that he had been suffering due to a faulty burner.
Even when I didn't have a lot of speciations on this, I must say that I have really enjoyed it. There are some passages where he described the beauty of the ice, the southern lights and all this wild environment that I really enjoyed. The struggles to survive and to hide his illness to his partners are really interesting part of the book. …
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malglam rated Motel chronicles: 4 stars
Review of 'Alone' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Richard Byrd was an adventurer and explorer. He always was the second best, and he was always trying to show how brave and courageous he was. That's what brought him to this situation: To spend all the long and dark austral winter alone in a small hut very close to the south pole. At the beginning, all was nice and good, but at the end of may, he started to feel the effects of the gas poisoning that he had been suffering due to a faulty burner.
Even when I didn't have a lot of speciations on this, I must say that I have really enjoyed it. There are some passages where he described the beauty of the ice, the southern lights and all this wild environment that I really enjoyed. The struggles to survive and to hide his illness to his partners are really interesting part of the book. The book is well written and very enjoyable. I suppose this experience was an humility cure for him and the book lacks the grandiloquence of other travel books written by men so very pleased to know themselves.
malglam reviewed Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
Review of 'Doomsday Book' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
This was a light and easy reading. Even when you know, more or less, what's going to happen, the story catches you and you don't want to put it down. The story is very well written and it's the details and the atmosphere what gets you there. It was exactly what I wanted to read at this moment.
malglam reviewed The ghost and Mrs Muir by R. A. Dick
Review of 'The ghost and Mrs Muir' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Another atonish story of how a woman has to rely in a ghost (or in mistycal visions o something else) to have her way.
Lucy Muir is a widow who want to scape her in laws. She decide to rent a cheap house by the sea, hunted by a ghost. This way, she can live the live that she wants, far from the reach of her family.
In the end, as the story is written in the forties of twenty century, the woman and the ghost end together. Another ending wouldn't have be decent after so many years living in the same house.
Anyway, it was an funny and quick reading.
Review of 'Picopelosplumas y el hombre pájaro' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Hace unos meses me di cuenta de que nunca había leído la historia interminable y me había quedado solo con la parte de la historia que cuenta la peli.
Cómo tantas otras veces, el libro es mucho mejor y, aunque es cierto que lo hubiera disfrutado más siendo más joven, me ha gustado muchísimo, especialmente la segunda parte.
malglam rated Termination Shock: 3 stars

Termination Shock by Neal Stephenson
Termination Shock is a science fiction novel by American writer Neal Stephenson, published in 2021. The book is set in …
malglam rated Mujer al borde del tiempo : 2 stars

Mujer al borde del tiempo by Marge Piercy, consonni, Helen Torres, and 1 other
malglam reviewed Mi maravillosa librería by Petra Hartlieb
Review of 'Mi maravillosa librería' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Me encantan las historias de librerías. Y si, como en este caso, la historia tiene final feliz, mucho más. Me da mucha envidia el valor que le echaron los protagonistas de dejarlo todo para montar una librería y que al final, le saliera todo estupendamente.
malglam rated The Dispossessed: 4 stars

The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin
Shevek, a brilliant physicist, decides to take action. He will seek answers, question the unquestionable, and attempt to tear down …
malglam rated La caída de Madrid: 3 stars
malglam rated Mi madre era de mariupol: 3 stars
malglam reviewed Oído atento a los pájaros by Luis Goytisolo
Review of 'Oído atento a los pájaros' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
Un libro rarísimo, en el que se entrecruzan tres historias. Al principio estaban tan desconexas que creía que eran historias cortas no relacionadas. Al final, se ve el nexo entre una y otras, pero queda siempre la sensación de que quedan cabos sueltos. Lo cual, en sí, no tiene porqué ser malo.